Fall 2018 CSCI 373.001 Syllabus

Who, when, where and what

The instructor for CSCI 373.001 is J Dean Brock. The course will meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2:00 PM to 3:15 PM in RRO 217 or RRO 223.

Class home page

All class handouts, including assignments, can be accessed through the following URL:

If you are looking for assignments, it is best to go directly to the Moodle homework listing.

Course Description

Operating Systems

Concepts of operating systems: processes, synchronization, memory management, file systems and security. Prerequisites: CSCI 202, 255. Spring.

Degree requirements fulfilled

CSCI 373.001 will fulfill three hours of the requirement for “additional hours of CSCI” in the computer science major and minor programs. And, of course, all students can use CSCI 373.001 to fulfill three credit hours of the required 122 for graduation.

Learning objectives

This section will significantly change after the departmental leanring objectives settle down.

After taking this course you will have a better understanding of how one computer can run many separate tasks how many computers can run one co-ordinated task.

You should also learn how to accomplish the following specific tasks in this course.

  1. Write programs that create and control other programs.
  2. Write networked applications.


We are going to use the on-line textbook Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces written by Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau of the University of Wisconsin. (If you wish, you can purchase a copy of the book from the authors.)

We will supplement this book with many on-line resources, including programming references and classic papers (some written over 50 years ago).

Other useful references

You will need to a C reference. Of course, every computer professional should own a copy of The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie; however, if you don’t want to spend $7 for a used copy of the book, you could use an on-line resource such as as Stanford’s Essential C, the C Programming WikiBook, or the much longer An Introduction to the C Programming Language and Software Design from the University of Sydney.

If you want a good reference for the command line, I suggest using William Shotts’ Learning the Shell.

If you are really ambitious, you can look at The Linux Kernel Archive.

Software and hardware

You need access to the GNU toolchain on an x86-64 processor to complete the assignments and labs of this course.



The following weights are used in computing the course grade.

Grade component Weight
Final exam
Homework and lab participation


The following numerical scale will be used in assigning grades based on Score, the score computed using the weights described above.

Score ≥ 93A
Score ≥ 90 & Score < 93A-
Score ≥ 87 & Score < 90B+
Score ≥ 83 & Score < 87B
Score ≥ 80 & Score < 83B-
Score ≥ 77 & Score < 80C+
Score ≥ 73 & Score < 77C
Score ≥ 70 & Score < 73C-
Score ≥ 67 & Score < 70D+
Score ≥ 60 & Score < 67D
Score < 60F

Exam attendance

UNC Asheville’s Academic Policies and Procedures do provide excused absences for “travel on university-sanctioned business” and “up to two excused absences per semester for religious observances” when seven days notice is given. The seven day notice will allow the instructor to reschedule exams to avoid excused absenses. For this reason, attendance at all exams is mandatory.

Providing the instructor with a list of planned university-sanctioned absences at the beginning of the course does not constitute adequate notice.

Lab participation

Some class session will be devoted to labs, which will often require a Moodle upload. Labs will be graded on a 10 point scale.

In computing the lab average, the two lowest lab grades will be dropped.


There will be about eight homework assignments during the semester. The homeworks and their due dates will be listed on moodle.

All homework will have a precisely-stated due date. Late homework submissions must be downloaded to moodle. A penalty of 1% per hour, rounded up to the next hour, will be applied to late homework.

Unless explicitly stated in the description of a homework assignment, a submitted assignment must be the result of the student’s individual effort. If this is not done, no credit will be given for the homework and, as required by university policy, a report will be made to the Assistant Provost for Academic Administration.

Classroom expectations

The classroom is a place where students and faculty behave professionally. We are polite and attentive. We avoid talk of politics and religion. We do not use offensive language. We show up on time.

Electronics in the classroom

You are welcome to use your electronic devices to take notes. However, you should read the article Why students using laptops learn less in class even when they really are taking notes from the Washington Post before you give up on handwritten notes.

Electronic devices should not be used for gaming and social media during class. This distracts others in the class.

Sometimes you may need to discretely respond to a TXT message received during class. In these cases, it usually is best to leave the room. Do not use TXT messages to communicate to others in class. That is very impolite.

Required attendance

Some class activities, such as exams, generate grades. You will receive a grade of 0 for those activities you miss. If you have an authorized excuse, you will be given an opportunity for a make-up exam.

Some class periods may be dedicated to student presentations. You are expected to attend all presentations by your fellow students. If you do not, your grade for own presentation will be adjusted.

Academic misconduct

It is never proper to claim another’s work as your own in graded work.

Unless explicitly stated in the description of an assignment, a submitted assignment must be the result of your individual effort. This is similar to the expectations of the professional workplace.

Impermissible actions

There are several impermissible actions that will result in the imposition of course or university sanctions. Impermissible actions in homework assignments include the following:

Impermissible actions on exams include the following:

Course sanctions for impermissible actions

For assignments, the first offense will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment and the second offense will result in a grade of F for the course. For exams, any offense will result in a grade of F for the course. These are the expected sanctions for courses at UNC Asheville.

University policy on academic misconduct

The UNC Asheville Student Handbook has a section devoted to Academic Misconduct. It states the following:

A student accused of academic dishonesty should talk with his or her instructor. In all situations where a student has been disciplined for plagiarism or cheating, the instructor is to submit to the VCAA a brief statement of the case; the student is to receive a copy of this document. Depending upon the severity and/or repetition of the offense, the VCAA may choose to impose a penalty of cancellation of graduation with honors; cancellation of scholarships; dismissal from the university; or any other penalty which he or she deems logical and deserved. A student has 10 class days to respond to this document, in writing; this response is to be sent to the VCAA for attachment to the document submitted by the instructor.

In practice, students who have been involved in academic misconduct in three courses will be suspended for a semester. However a single significant offense, such as the submission of a plagiarized paper in entirety, can result in immediate dismissal.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Statement from the Office of Academic Accessibility

University of North Carolina at Asheville is committed to making courses, programs and activities accessible to persons with documented disabilities. Students requesting accommodations and/or academic adjustments must do so through the Office of Academic Accessibility and may be required to provide supporting documentation. All information provided will remain confidential. For more information please contact the Office of Academic Accessibility at (828)232-5050 or academicaccess@unca.edu, visit them in the OneStop Student Services Center or at their website https://oaa.unca.edu/ .

Specific clarifications for CSCI 373

Students who have been approved for extended time for exams by the Office of Academic Accessibility must have their exams administered by the Office of Academic Accessibility and must take their exams at a time overlapping the scheduled in-class exam.

Email communications

Information protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act should only be sent to official university email addresses. Information related to recorded grades is clearly protected, as is any discussion that would allow a reader to draw conclusions about your performance or attendance in class.

Email sent to me, even if it does not involve the use of state-maintained computers, may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and, as such, may be disclosed to third parties.

For more information and help

I have office hours are to be determined. The best way to get in touch with me quickly is to send email to brock@unca.edu.

I get lots of email, so please include CSCI 373 in the subject line.