CSCI 201 Fall 2000

Assignment 4

Program 1: Assignment 1 revisited

Recall that in assignment 1, you were asked to write a program to output excerpts from a book by Marten and Carle. In that assignment, you were asked to use at least one function (other than main) to generate that output. To demonstrate the power of reference variables, we will redo the program described in assignment 1 and implement a more efficient solution. The improved solution will be a program that consists of at least three functions: (1) one or more functions to prompt the user for input and to read the input that the user enters, (2) one or more functions to generate the output, and (3) the main function where execution starts and from which you call one or more of the other functions. By using reference variables, you should be able to write a program that is shorted and better organized that your original program for assignment 1. The improved version of the sight program should be called newSight.cpp. The program newSight.cpp must be turned in by transferring it to your ftp directory for this class. Only the source code file should be turned in and it must be named newSight.cpp.

Program 2: Work assignment number 6.36 on page 265 of the text and then write a program that calls the intersect function that you wrote for that exercise.

Write the intersect function described in problem 6.36 of your text and then write a program called myStringSet.cpp to exercise that function. To use the string set class you will need two .cpp files and two .h files: stringset.cpp, stringset.h, tvector.txt, and tvector.h. All of these files must be included in the project folder for your program. Feel free to look at the .cpp files but remember that you don't need to understand the implementation of a class in order to use that class.

The values of the two string sets used to test your intersect function should be read from files. Specifically, one string set should be read from stringFile1.txt, and the other from stringFile2.txt. Add both of these text files to the project folder for this program. You are free to use the WordStreamIterator class (as demonstrated in Program 6.16 on page 264 of your text) if you would like, but you are not required to do so. To use this class, include the files worditer.h and worditer.cpp in your project folder for this program.

The program MyStringSet.cpp must be turned in by transferring it to your ftp directory for this class. Only the source code file should be turned in and it must be named MyStringSet.cpp.

Programming Style

Note that 10% of your program grade is based on the readability of your program. This includes things like style, comments, and the naming of variables and functions. Make sure you include a comment at the top of each program with your name, course and purpose of the program specified.

// Name: YOUR NAME HERE // // Course: CSCI 201 // // Purpose: purpose of program here //

Submitting Programs

As stated above, the programs written for this assignment must be turned in by transferring the C++ source code files to your ftp directory for this class. Only the source code files (i.e., newSight.cpp and MyStringSet.cpp) should be turned in. You were shown how to transfer files to your class ftp directory in lab01, here is a quick repeat.