Spring 2007 ECE 406 Syllabus


The course instructor is Dean Brock. The course has official meeting times of Monday and Wednesday at 3:45 to 5:00 and on Wednesday from 8:30 to 10:20. Generally the Monday and Wednesday afternoon meetings will be the official "lecture" times and the Wednesday morning time will be reserved for labs. However, because the instructor of the course is expected to attend the UNCA chair's meeting, several of the lectures must be delivered from 9:00 to 10:20 on Wednesday morning. The class schedule page will contain more detail information.

Class home page

All class handouts, including homework assignments, can be found through the following URL:


The textbook for the course will be Verilog Styles for Synthesis of Digital Systems written by David R. Smith and Paul D. Franzon. and published by Prentice Hall (ISBN 0-201-61860-5). There may also be some readings from on-line sources, including journals of UNCA's Ramsey Library.

Grading Policy

Grades will be based on points earned from two in-class exams, one final exam, about nine homeworks, and two projects. In general, the homeworks and projects will be the same as those done in the two ECE 406 sections in Raleigh.

Two in-class exams 20% each
Final exam 30%
Homework 10%
Project 20%

The following numerical scale will be used in assigning grades based on Score, the weighted score computed using the preceding table.

Score ≥ 97A+
Score ≥ 93 & Score < 97A
Score ≥ 90 & Score < 93A-
Score ≥ 87 & Score < 90B+
Score ≥ 83 & Score < 87B
Score ≥ 80 & Score < 83B-
Score ≥ 77 & Score < 80C+
Score ≥ 73 & Score < 77C
Score ≥ 70 & Score < 73C-
Score ≥ 60 & Score < 70D
Score < 60F

Email Communication

Your instructor will periodically communicate with you through your official student email address as listed on UNCA's class registration rolls. Typically, this is your UNCA account (yourlogin@unca.edu). These communications will typically be about assignments. You must periodically check this e-mail account for messages and insure that new messages can be received.

Any email questions regarding information protecting by the federal Family Educational Right to Privacy Act, such as recorded grades on assignments or quizes, should be sent from your official UNCA account. This is the only account I will use to send legally protected information to you.

For more information

The best way to get in touch with me is to send email to brock@cs.unca.edu. If you need to see me, send me email to arrange an appointment.