CSCI 201 Introduction to Algorithm Design
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SPRING 2007  

Using NetBean's Forms Constructor

After completing the lab in which you used Java to construct a face, you might wonder if there any GUI-based programs to help you with this task. The answer is: "sort of". NetBeans does have a forms constructor that helps you to layout buttons and text fields, though this doesn't really help a lot with "pure" graphical program in which you are placing rectangles and ovals on the screen.

We're going to show you how to use the forms constructor today, because it's often a quick solution for rapid prototype development and sometimes even a little fun (though a bit frustrating on the first use). Our goal is to produce something like the following Applet which you might have found useful for picking out odd colors for those faces.

Programming the easy way?

Although the forms creator will automate a great deal of the process of creating a GUI application, there are lots of steps which most be precisely followed to succeed in this project. Read the lab description very carefully as you proceed through the project. If you plunge ahead, you will be lost.

Creating the project

Start by creating a new project. Today when you choose the project, select a Java Class Library within the General category. Do not choose Java Application as you have for previous labs.
New Project window
Call your project ColorPicker and store it within your csci/201 directory,
New Java Class Library window

Creating the Java file

Using the File → New File.... menu sequence, create a Java file by selecting the category Java GUI Forms and the file type JApplet Form.
New File window
Name your class ColorPicker and place it in the colorpicker package.
New JApplet Form window

The panes of GUI development

When you select the file from your Projects, you should see a NetBeans window with no less that five panes.
Starting ColorPicker

In the upper-left is the familar Projects panel, which we're going to ignore this week.

In the lower-left is a tabbed panel where you can choose between Navigator and Inspector. Choose the Inspector view and leave it there. You'll be using Inspector quite a bit today.

Lower-right is a properties panel. Right now it's empty, but in a few minutes you'll be using it to specialize the elements of your graphical interface.

In the upper-right corner is the Palette. You'll be selecting GUI elements from the Palette and placing them into your Applet window.

Finally, at the very center you see Notice that it has two tabs: Source and Design. The Source view is for pure Java coding. The Design view is for drop-and-drag GUI development. We'll start in Design and later switch to Source.

Selecting the layout

Java frames and panels have layouts which control how they display their collections of buttons and sliders. We're going to set the layout to FlowLayout. That's really a rather feeble layout, but it is good enough to get us through this lab.

Go into the Inspector panel and right-click on [JApplet]. If you don't see the Inspector panel tab, you need to make sure Design is selected in the middle panel. Next go through the menu choices Set LayoutFlowLayout.
Setting layout
Wasn't that exciting. The only change you should notice is in the Inspector panel.
FlowLayout in Palette

Populating the panel

Now we're going to place some stuff on the panel. First up is a JSlider. Go into the Palette and press down on JSlider and move it over into your Drawing window.
Adding JSlider to canvas
Wow! A little sliding bar appears on the canvas.

One down and three to go. Now add, in order, another jSlider and then a JLabel and finally a JButton. The JLabel and JButton are near the top of the Palette.
ColorPicker with sliders, label, and button

Choosing some reasonable names

If you look at the Inspector, you'll notice that your buttons and sliders have rather cryptic names like JSlider2. This could become rather confusing.

The sliders will control the red and green components of a displayed color. Rename them to something reasonable like redSlider and greenSlider. Do this by right-clicking on the component name within the Inspector panel and then choose Change Variable Name... from the menu. Next, type the new variable name in the Rename window.
Renaming jSlider          Renaming jSlider

We're going to use the jLabel to display a word in different colors. So rename it to something reasonable, like colorfulWord. Since the jButton resets the color, rename it to reset. When you are done, your inspector window should resemble the following:
Renamed variables

First run -- no fun

Go ahead and run your Applet by right-clicking on and choosing Run File. Resize the Applet window and notice how the components jump wildly around. That's because you are using the FlowLayout manager. Fortunately, you can fix the Applet size in an HTML file and avoid this problem. This is what we have done in the Applet below.

You'll notice that you can also move the sliders and press the button, but nothing happens. It will be a while before anything does.

A word about Color

Your computer monitor displays each pixel by mixing red, green, and blue. The intensity of the red, green, and blue is described as a number from 0 to 255. A color can them be characterized as a triple of the red, green, and blue intensities, in that order. Consequently [255, 0, 0] is a pure red and [0, 255, 0] is a pure green.

The mixtures required to generate other common colors can be a bit puzzling for those of us who learned to mix red and yellow to get orange in elementary school. For example, yellow is [255, 255, 0] a mixture of red and green at their full intensities. Orange is something like [255, 144, 0]. If you want to find out the official color names of the MIT Xconsortium take a look a the RGB to Color Name Mapping page of Kevin Walsh.

Customizing panel components

Stop your applet from running and go back to your panel. It's time to worry about colors and fonts. This part is pure GUI, but it takes a while the first time you try it. Your first job will be customizing redSlider.

Go back to the Inspector panel and click on redSlider. If you look at the Properties pane, you will see that it now has a display of various properties you may set for the JSlider named redSlider.
Initial redSlider properties

Properties specialize the display of a component. The names of properties are in the left column. The values of properties are in the right. You can change a property's value by typing directly into the value fields or by clicking on the three little dots at the left end of the property's row.

Customizing redSlider

Change the background for redSlider to [255, 0, 0], and change the maximum to 255 because color intensity ranges from 0 to 255.
redSlider with properties set

Customizing greenSlider

Now click on greenSlider in the Inspector panel. GreenSlider also needs a maximum of 255, but its background should be [0, 255, 0].
greenSlider with properties set

Customizing colorfulWord

colorfulWord needs a change of font, foreground, and text. By the way, you really don't have to make all the same choices we do.
colorfulWord with properties set

To change the font, double-click on the three little dots at the end of the row for font. This will bring up a font selection window.
font selection window

Customizing reset

For reset, change the foreground and text.
reset with properties set

Looking at code

Run your Applet a second time. This time you have pure vaporware. It looks pretty. The sliders slide and the buttons butt, but nothing happens.

Remember, you may need to resize the running applet's window to align the four components vertically.

NetBeans has been silently generating Java code for you. Press that Source tab in the ColorPicker windows and you'll see about 65 lines of Java code. Scroll through the code and see where your components are created and specialized.

If only your program did some work.

Java events

Whenever you press a button in Java or move a slider, an event is generated. For example, when you perform a mouse click on a button, a MouseEvent is generated. It is possible to intercept these events and have them delivered to methods in your code.

Adding events

Go back to the Inspector panel and click on redSlider. Now go over to the Properties panel and mash the button labeled Events.

Work your way down to the row with the event stateChanged. This event is invoked whenever the slider bar is moved. Press on the box within that row labeled <none>. You should see the contents of the box change to redSliderStateChanged. The transformation is shown in the following two panel snapshots.
redSlider before press          redSlider after press

Now hit the Enter key to accept the change. This will immediately flip you over to the Java Source panel. Notice that NetBeans has created the header for a new redSliderStateChanged method for you. It's also set up event handlers so that redSliderStateChanged will be called whenever the red slider is moved. At this time, the method is empty, but we'll fix that in a minute.

    private void redSliderStateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:

Generate one of these handlers for stateChanged for greenSlider. ColorfulWord pays no attention to events, but reset does. Create an empty mouseClicked event handler for reset.

Your Java program should now contain three event handlers like those shown below. If it doesn't, call the lab instructor.

    private void resetMouseClicked(javax.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:

    private void greenSliderStateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:

    private void redSliderStateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:

Modifying the code

Finally it's time to type some Java code. Notice that some Java statements have a light blue background. These you may not modify. They can be changed only through the Design panel.

However, we must modify some of the Java code within the white background to get our program to do anything. For example, if we press the UNCA Blue button, we want to change the color of Color Me to be UNCA blue, [0, 0, 101]. That's pretty easy. All we need do is call the setForeground method of colorfulWord. Here's the code to do this.

    private void resetMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
        java.awt.Color newColor = new java.awt.Color(0, 0, 101) ;
        colorfulWord.setForeground(newColor) ;

We also need to handle the slider events. This code is much more complicated. First, we obtain the present foreground color of colorfulWord and store it in a Color variable called oldColor. Next, we create a new Color variable called newColor. These two Color variables will differ only in the intensity of their red component. Notice how we get the red intensity from redSlider, but we get the green and blue intensities from oldColor. Finally, we set the foreground color of ColorfulWord to newColor.

Here's the new code for RedSlider.

    private void RedSliderStateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) {
        java.awt.Color oldColor = colorfulWord.getForeground() ;
        java.awt.Color newColor = new java.awt.Color(
                                  ) ;
        colorfulWord.setForeground(newColor) ;

Carefully study this code. The Color constructor takes three arguments, the red, green, and blue intensities, and yields a new color. The red intensity is taken from the slider, and the green and blue intensities are taken from the present color. Later on you'll have to add, within greenSlideStateChanged, the Java code to change the green intensity. In that case, the green intensity will come from greenSlider, but the red and blue intensities will come from colorfulWord. Remember RGB, red, green, and blue. The arguments to the Color constructor must always be given in that order.

Go ahead and modify your program to handle movements of both sliders and presses of the button. Your code should work something like the following Applet.

Show the instructor your working Applet.

Improving the Applet

Of course, the obvious shortcoming of the Applet is that it doesn't have a slider for the blue component. Add one. Remember, you'll have to add a slider, rename it, set its properties, and program a StateChanged handler. Your improved Applet should mimic the one shown below.

Show the instructor your improved Applet.

Fixing the Applet

Rapid prototypes frequently have minor "bugs". Not surprisingly so does ours. Its sliders don't always agree with the displayed color. In particular, even though the initial color is [0, 0, 101], the sliders are displaying [50, 50, 50]. Even worse, when you press the UNCA Blue button, the color of the Color Me label changes, but the sliders do not. Fix these bugs so that your Applet works like the one below.

If you have to use the getValue method to get the value of a slider, guess what method is used to set the value?

Show the instructor your fixed Applet.

Last modified: 04/02/07    

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