
Applets are a special type of Java program. They are designed to be run inside of a web browser. But, you create them just like any other program. In fact, the only differences between an applet and an application program are the methods they contain and the classes they extend.

Parts of an Applet

The most important part of an applet, in fact the very thing that designates it as an applet, is the class it extends. There are two classes that you can extend for this purpose. The original was called simply Applet, or more formally java.applet.Applet. In Java 2 a new Swing-based extension of the Applet called the javax.swing.JApplet was introduced. We'll use the newer applet in this lab.

The second important part of an applet is the paint method. The paint method is called to draw your applet on the screen. The paint method receives a Graphics object as input. It uses the methods in the Graphics object to "paint" things on the screen.

HTML files

Because applets are designed to run inside of a web browser, your applet must be referenced from a HTML file in order to run. We will use the <applet> tag inside of an HTML file to tell your web browser to download and run an applet. NetBeans automatically creates the HTML file required to run your applet in the Netbeans' applet viewer. None-the-less, we will still discuss the parts of this HTML file later in this lab. Although the <APPLET> tag has been officially replaced the <object> in recent versions of HTML, we're going sticking with <APPLET> for the sake of those folks who are forced to used out-of-date browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.

Creating a project for JApplets
To Get Started ...

In this section we are going to create a project called Stonhenge that contain a skeleton JApplet called Stonehenge.

Create a new project called Stonehenge. Next create the directory csci/201/Stonehenge and then mount it within the Stonehenge project (Help).
Explorer Window

Now it's time to create the JApplet file called Stonehenge (Help). Start by clicking the new button New icon in the menu bar at the top. This will bring up a list of templates for you to use to create a file. Select the Java Classes -> JApplet Template and then click Next.
New File Wizard

Next, type the name you want for the file, making sure that the right filesystem (?)The filesystem is the location that the files are stored in your project. Every project can have multiple filesystems. For more information on filesystems, click here is selected, then click Finish. This will create the default file with no extra pieces added on to it. If, instead, you click Next, you have the option of adding variables, methods, and setting inheritance settings on your class.
Naming the Java Applet file

Your Assignment ...

Create the project for the Stonehenge JApplet.

Instructor Checkoff ...

Show your lab instructor your project.

Adding some interesting Applet code

Remember, to be a true applet, your code must extend Applet or JApplet and must contain a paint method.

Your Assignment ...

Paste the following code at the beginning of the file so that your code will important the JApplet package and the many Abstract Windows Toolkit (awt) packages need to perform graphs operations in Java.

import javax.swing.JApplet ;
import java.awt.* ;

Now Copy the code for the paint method given below and paste it into the Stonehenge class right after the empty Stonehenge constructor.

  public void paint( Graphics g )
    g.setColor( ) ;
    g.fillRect( 100, 150, 100, 300 ) ;
    g.fillRect( 300, 150, 100, 300 ) ;
    g.fillRect( 450, 150, 100, 300 ) ;
    g.fillRect( 650, 150, 100, 300 ) ;

    // New stuff goes here

    // End of new stuff

Inserted paint method

Now compile and run the file. Initially, you'll only get one small view of Stonehenge's mystical vertical pillars.
Stonehenge I
This is how UNCA professors of ancient European history believe that Stonehenge looked when approaching it from a distance after the first 201 years of construction. You may have to resize the new window to get the larger view.

But another myterious and wonderous event has transpired. If you look in the explorer window, you'll see a new HTML file called Stonehenge.html. This was automatically created by the NetDruids IDE. Double click on this file to open it.
Stonehenge HTML
Within this file you should seen the following APPLET tag.

<APPLET code="Stonehenge.class" width=350 height=200></APPLET>

This is the line that tells your browser to download and display the Stonehenge applet. But there is a problem, the width and height are much to small to see your full applet, change them to the following values: width=800 height=500.

Instructor Checkoff ...

Show your lab instructor the browser with your applet in it. If all goes well, you should see an incomplete Stonehenge:
First Run

Completing Stonehenge

Your job is to modify your program so that it gives a more accurate, though still boring, rendition of Project Stonehenge, as shown below.
Later Run

You improve Stonehenge by adding two rectangles to the applet. To help you out, let's talk a little about your present Java file. The file starts by importing classes from two packages, the class JApplet from the package javax.swing, and all classes from the package java.awt. We need the classes in the package java.awt to draw objects. We need the JApplet class so we can extend it. Notice the line of code:

  public class Stonehenge extends JApplet {

This is where we tell the compiler that our applet is called Stonehenge and that it will be a subclass of the JApplet class which it is itself a subclass of the Applet class. JApplet is an updated version of the Applet class that uses the new Java Swing interface. Since web browsers are written to load any applet, you should be able to run Stonehenge in any up-to-snuff browser.

Our applet contains only one method. This method is not main() Applets do not need a main() method because their execution is controlled by the Web browser. When we write an applet, we need to define a paint() method which is responsible for creating the applet display. This method always receives a single parameter, a Graphics object. We can give the parameter any name we choose, but it this case we have named it simply g. We use methods belonging to this Graphics object to render text and shapes in our applet display. Let's take a look at the Graphics object's methods that we use in the body of paint().

  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    g.setColor( ) ;
    g.fillRect( 100, 150, 100, 300 ) ;
    g.fillRect( 300, 150, 100, 300 ) ;
    g.fillRect( 450, 150, 100, 300 ) ;
    g.fillRect( 650, 150, 100, 300 ) ;

First we set the color to blue with g's setColor() method, giving it the object as input. Then we draw rectangles and fill them with our chosen color using the method fillRect(). This method has four parameters corresponding to the four pieces of input it needs to do its job. Let's take a look, in order, at the four parameters used in our first call to fillRect().

    g.fillRect( 100, 150, 100, 300 ) ;

  1. The x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle which is 100 pixels from the left edge of the drawing area.
  2. The y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle which is 150 pixels down from the top of the drawing area.
  3. The rectangle's width which is 100 pixels.
  4. The rectangle's height which is 300 pixels.
Your Assignment ...

You now know enough to add the two additional rectangles needed to complete this assignment. You may have to dust off your high school geometry skills to figure out how to size and place them. But give it a try.

Since it would be rather boring just to paint it all in blue, you might want to look at the Java documentation for the Color class to see how you could make a rainbow of stones. If you are really adventurous, you could think about using the drawSting method of Graphics to add your name to the drawing.

Instructor Checkoff ...

Show your instructor your final applet.
