CSCI 201 Lab 9 -- Reference Variables

In this lab you work with reference variables and the jGRASP debugger.

Getting started

Retrieve the jar file from this link and store it in csci/201. Extract the files to create the directory csci/201/Lab09, then open the Lab09.gpj jGRASP project file. If you can't get unjarred, consult Downloading a Java archive from Lab 2.


The file defines a simple class that represents a teacher (a teacher has a name, a picture, and a rating). The file contains a program that instantiates two Teacher objects and then makes some modifications to the objects and their references. Your job is to complete that program as described in the comments in There are three modifications that you are asked to make and there is a checkoff below for each of these three modifications.

Checkoff for swapping reference variables

Show your lab instructor your code for swapping reference variables along with the displays of both the original and the "swapped" teachers.

Checkoff for swapping object names

Show your lab instructor your code for swapping the objects' names along with displays of the teachers both before and after "swapping" their names. (Be sure to comment out all other displays.)

Checkoff for swapping object names

Show your lab instructor your code for swapping the objects' ratings along with displays of the teachers both before and after "swapping" their ratings. (Be sure to comment out all other displays.)

More on references

Open and compile and run the program. Now that you've run the program and seen the output, study the code and try to understand what is happening. Wouldn't it be helpful to see the Java code be executed a line at a time? This is something we can do with the debugger.

First, we must recompile the program in debug mode. Use the CompileDebug Mode menu path to enable debugging. Then re-compile your program.

Debug mode setting

Now you must set a breakpoint in your program to interrupt normal program execution. Do this by clicking your cursor anywhere within the line that says:

      System.out.println ("Enter a teacher rating...");

Next right click within the CSD window. You should see a new pulldown menu. Select Toggle Breakpoint. A red circle should appear to the right of the selected line.

Be careful not to select Toggle Bookmark.

Setting breakpoint

Making a break

Press the debug icon, Debug icon, or use the RunDebug menu choice, to start executing your program with the Java debugger.

Make sure the Debug tab is selected in the right pane. You should see four separate displays in this pane.

The first is a row of debugging control icons. Move your mouse slowly across this row to get a brief description of what each does. We'll use the leftmost icon to start with. Each time it is clicked, one statement of your program will be executed.

Debug control buttons

The next is a display of threads. Java can use thread to simultaneously execute several methods. This is important in networking and animation applications and you may learn to write multi-threaded Java code in upper-level CSCI courses.

Debug thread display

The third display is the call stack. Right now you see that the main method of class References2 is being executed. This display gets more interesting when methods call other methods.

Debug call stack display

You'll notice that the final display has two tabs. Presently you should be on the variables tab. This display will probably be the most helpful to you because it shows you the values of the variables being used by your class and method.

Debug variable display

Now lets do some debugging. Use the Debug icon icon to execute the current line of code and advance to the next. Notice the prompt for input in the I/O window; notice also that you can't advance until you provide that input. Enter a value for rating and observe its value in the Variables display. You will have to click the magnifying glass for Locals mag. glass icon to open that display.
Debug variable display

Advance using Debug icon until the first call to the zeroRating() method is highlighted. Again check the Variables display and observe the representation of the Teacher object. Click the magnifying glass for that object to view its instance variables. Note that some of the instance variables are also references to objects that can be viewed. Explore all reference variables and make sure that you understand what you see.

Now advance using the Debug icon to "step in" to the zeroRating() method. Notice the change to the Call Stack and the Variable display.
Debug variable display

Select References2.main(...)... in the Call Stack and observe that you can still view the variables belonging to main(). Why is inputRating displayed under Arguments?

Advance to the "}" marking the end of the zeroRating() method.

jGRASP debugging checkoff 1

Show your lab instructor the variables in both zeroRating() and main(). Explain why the value of rating in main() is not changed by the call to zeroRating().

Advance until the second call to zeroRating() is highlighted, and then "step in" to zeroRating(). Again, observe the Call Stack and the Variable display. Click the magnifying glass to view the object referenced by the argument inputTeacher. Advance to the "}" marking the end of this zeroRating() method.

jGRASP debugging checkoff 2

Show your lab instructor the variables in both zeroRating() and main(). Explain why the Teacher object created in main() is changed by the call to zeroRating().

That's all folks.

Go home.