Author's Name: Rieko Yamamoto, Tadahiro Uehara (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.)

A short description: We are interested in object-oriented development methodology. We propose pattern-centric development approach and published the book which show our development methodology including patterns in Japan. We propose project-specific patterns are very effective tool to increase software development productivity. We made the tool to define design templates using UML and to apply the templates in order to extend design and generate programs automatically. We introduced our idea and the tool to the real ERP development project and increase the productivity of the project.



Name: Prior Investment


You’re a Dedicated Champion, trying to introduce Patterns into your organization. You have a small group of Early Adopters who support the new idea.



What is the most effective way to get and spread Patterns throughout the organization?


Make a small group of the average developers from Early Adopters. Let them develop a part of real software in the narrow range. Then you and the Early Adapter try to evolve effective pattern from the result of the work and software. And involve other member of Early Adopter to use those pattern in their development work. These patterns may be too practical to spread them throughout the world, but they are very effective for the organization.

Resulting Context:

The Early Adopter understand their own patterns are efficient to their work easily and become enthusiastic about patterns.


Most people are too busy to keep up with all the latest trends but are usually interested their own work and related work. Prior Investment looks like a waste of time and money but it is very good practical training to get and reuse patterns.

Known Uses:

This Pattern has been successfully applied at Fujitsu Ltd.

Related Patterns:

Use this pattern in the A Pattern of Their Own.

Author: Rieko Yamamoto