Grading Guidelines for "Topic of the Week"
These are only guidelines. More information about
all of these items can be found on Handout #1.
Issue relevant to the topic of the week
Written summary:
- Typed
- Loose pages stapled together
- Cover sheet with content stated on handout #1
- Required (labeled) sections in written summary:
- a) general description of the issue
- b) summary of each view of the issue
- c) complete, correct references (MLA format)
- Professional appearance of document
- Accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation
- Sides of the issue presented
- Discussion conducted
- Votes taken
- Professionally delivered
- Kept within time frame
- Slides:
- Accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation
- Well organized
Issue relevant to the topic of the week
Written summary:
- Typed
- Loose pages stapled together
- Cover sheet with content stated on handout #1
- Required (labeled) sections in written summary:
- a) summary of one or more article(s)
- b) description of how the information in the source(s)
relates to the topic of the week
- c) a one sentence summary or the point the student found
most interesting
- d) complete, correct references (MLA format)
- Professional appearance of document
- Accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation