Mgmt 386
Class Schedule
January 15
- Discussion of Course Policies ( Handout #1)
- Why do managers need to understand information technology (IT)?
January 17
January 22
- IT systems versus the technologies used to develop those systems
January 24
- Discussion of Reading Assignment, Another
Trip to Hell (business and technology errors that
cause Information System projects to fail)
January 27
- Discussion of Reading Assignment, Another Trip to Hell,
- Notes students created in class on 1/24 and 1/27:
January 29
- Phases in the IT system development process/lifecycle (SDLC) and the
role of the
business person in that process
January 30
- Phases in the IT system development process/lifecycle (SDLC) and the
role of the
business person in that process, continued
- Discussion of the reading titled The Management Information Systems
Organization (on electronic reserve at UNCA library web page)
February 3
- Discussion of the reading titled The Management Information Systems
Organization, continued
- Article
about "outsourcing" referenced in class
- Bring your bulldog account and password
- UNIX operating system commands
- UNIX Exercise (due February 5)
February 5
- Building a WEB page: HTML commands
- HTML Exercise (due February 10)
February 7
- Types of software:
- (1) operating system software
- (2) programming language/tools software
- 1st generation
- 2nd generation
February 10
- Web page exercise due in class today
- Choose teams for "Topic of the Week" presentation/discussion
- Types of software, continued
- (2) programming languages/tools software, continued
February 12
- Choose dates for "Topic of the Week" team presentation/discussion
- Types of software, continued
- (2) programming languages/tools software, continued
February 14
February 17
- Tips for leading a class discussion (for the "Topic of the Week" team
- IT: past and present
- IT spending .. Should it increase or decrease?
February 19
- CRM,
- Building a WEB page: HTML commands, continued
- Review UNIX commands
February 21
- "Topic of the Week" #1 due
- Exam Review -- Bring your questions!
February 24
February 26
February 28
- "Topic of the Week" #2 due
- Hints for doing web page update due on March 5
- Hints for next week's "Topic of the Week"
March 3
- Databases: MS-Access
- Handout
#2A: Building a
Database and the Files in the Database
March 5
March 7
- "Topic of the Week" #3 due
- Databases, continued
- 3rd versus 4th generation programming language/tools in building web
pages and in building databases
- more about "types of files" in a database
March 10-14: SPRING BREAK!
March 17
- Other database terminology: DBMS, Database Administrator, Data
Warehouses, DataMarts, data mining, etc.
- Readings on electronic reserve at UNCA library web page:
- What's in it for me?
- Database Management: Managing Data Resources
March 19
- Database assignment due
- Artificial Intelligence
March 21
- NO CLASS .. Go watch the Bulldogs play!
March 24
- "Topic of the Week" #4 due
- Artificial Intelligence, continued
March 26
- Artificial Intelligence, continued
- For more information and/or clarification on the "Fields of A.I."
class lectures, you may wish to see pgs. 310-329 in the Introduction to
Information Systems text on reserve at the UNCA library
March 28
- "Topic of the Week" #5 due
- Telecommunications
- Reading on reserve at the UNCA library web page:
- Telecommunications & the Internet in Business
March 31
- Telecommunications, continued
April 2
- Telecommunications, continued
April 4
April 7
- Transferring images (and other files) to your web page
- FTP (file transfer protocol)
- Increasing national security (with improved data mining, knowledge
management, and "intelligence integration")
- Reading:
April 9
- Increasing national security, continued
- Knowledge Management
- Readings:
April 11
- "Topic of the Week" #6 due
- Knowledge Management, continued
- Readings:
April 14
- (wrap up) Knowledge Management
- (begin) Introducing Technology (or any new idea) into Organizations
- Reference -- look over this document for class on April
April 16
- "April Advance" (no class)
April 18
- "Topic of the Week" #7 due
- Introducing Technology (or any new idea) into Organizations, continued
- Reading:
April 21
- Introducing Technology (or any new idea) into Organizations, continued
- The innovation-decision process
- Factors that affect the innovation-decision process:
- 1st factor --> Characteristics of the individual: Innovator, Early
Early Majority, Late Majority, Laggard
- Reading:
April 23
April 25
- "Topic of the Week" #8 due
- Introducing Technology (or any new idea) into Organizations, continued
April 28
- Class exercise for the case assignment
April 30
- Introducing Technology (or any new idea) into Organizations, continued
May 2
- "Topic of the Week" #9 due
- Introducing Technology (or any new idea) into Organizations, continued
May 5
- Final, completed, version of web page due
- Technologies of the future
May 7
- Review -- Bring your questions!
May 9