Mgmt 386
Class Schedule
August 14
- Discussion of Course Policies ( Handout #1)
- Why do managers need to understand information technology (IT)?
August 16
- IT systems versus the technologies used to develop those systems
- Phases in the IT system development process and the role of the
business person in that process
- Reading Assignment: Another
Trip to Hell (stories of IT system
development disasters due to bad business decisions)
August 19
- Phases in the IT system development process, continued
- Discussion of Reading Assignment (business and technology errors that
cause IT system development projects to fail)
August 21
- Discussion of Reading Assignment (business and technology errors that
cause IT system development projects to fail), continued
August 23
- IT: past and present
- IT spending .. Should it increase or decrease?
- Business Technology Hot Off the Press assignment (Handout #2)
August 26
- Building a Web page
- Part 1: UNIX operating system commands
August 28
- Building a Web page, continued
- Part 2: HTML commands (due in class August 30)
August 30
- Building a Web page, continued
- Part 3: Viewing and editing your web page
September 2: Labor Day holiday
September 4
September 6
- "Topic of the Week" (1) due
- Telecommunications, continued:
- telecommunications media, continued
- telecommunications channels
September 9
- Enterprise collaboration systems:
- electronic communication tools
- electronic conferencing tools
- collaborative work management tools
September 11
- Technology's role in providing national and international security
September 13
- "Topic of the Week" (2) due
- Interorganizational Information Systems
September 16
- e-Commerce
- Example exam questions
September 18
- Viewing of student web pages
- Review and discussion of example exam questions
September 20: Exam I
September 23
- Databases
- Assign last 10 points of exam 1
September 25
- Discussion of answers to exam 1
September 27
- "Topic of the Week" (3) due
- Databases, continued:
September 30
October 2
- Storing images on web pages
- FTP (file transfer protocol)
- Programming languages: machine/assembly, procedural (e.g. Fortran,
COBOL), object-oriented (e.g. C++, Java), visual (e.g. Visual Basic),
October 4
- "Topic of the Week" (4) due
- Programming languages, continued
October 7
- Database assignment due
- Programming languages and other software, continued (The 5th
Generation: Artificial Intelligence)
October 9: FALL BREAK
October 11: FALL BREAK
October 14
- Programming languages and other software, continued (AI, software
agents, GIS, ERP, CASE, CAD/CAM, etc.)
October 16
- Viewing of student web pages
- Programming languages and other software, continued (AI, software
agents, GIS, ERP, CASE, CAD/CAM, etc.)
October 18
- "Topic of the Week" (5) due
- Introducing Innovation into Organizations
October 21
- Introducing Innovation into Organizations, continued
- The individual adoption-decision process
- Factors that influence the introduction of a new idea into an
- 1) Individual traits:
- innovator
- early adopter
- early majority
- late majority
- laggard
October 23
- Introducing Innovation into Organizations, continued
- Factors that influence the introduction of a new idea into an
organization, continued:
- 2) the traits of the organization
- 3) the network surrounding the organization
- increasing returns to adoption
October 25
- "Topic of the Week" (6) due
- Introducing Innovation into Organizations, continued
- Factors that influence the introduction of a new idea into an
organization, continued:
- 4) traits of the innovation: relative advantage, compatibility, ease
of use, trialability, result demonstrability, visibility, image, etc.
October 28
- Introducing Innovation into Organizations, continued
- Case #1
- WebBoard
October 30
- Introducing Innovation into Organizations, continued
- Factors that influence the introduction of a new idea into an
organization, continued:
- 5) the people in the organization: management, opinion leaders,
- 6) individual involvement in the change effort
- 7) voluntariness
November 1
- "Topic of the Week" (7) due
- Review for Exam II
November 4
- Work on Case #1 in your team
November 6
November 8
- Work on Case #1 in your team
November 11
- Case #1 due
- Discussion of Case #1 (informal presentations/discussion)
November 13
November 15
- "Topic of the Week" (8) due
- Knowledge Management, continued
November 18
- Managing Technical People:
- Readings due on Wednesday, November 20:
November 20
- Student-led discussion of readings shown on November 18th
- Case #2
November 22
- "Topic of the Week" (9) due
- Section .01:
- Managing Technical People, continued
- Section .02:
- Knowledge Management, continued
- Review answers to Exam II
November 25
- Web page due (final version!)
- Managing Technical People, continued
December 2
- The System Development Process revisted
December 4
December 6
- Case #2 due - presentations (and written)
December 9-13: Final Exam Week!