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February 6: Jason Walker -- Elgin, Ben. "Running The Tightest Ships On The Net." Business Week, January 29, 2001, pgs. 125-126.
February 8: Stephanie Alexander -- Barret, Steve. "Dot-biz, dot-info, dot-disaster," Advertising Age. January 8, 2001. pg.18.
February 13: Eric Albee -- Verespe, Michael A. "Click and Learn". Industry Week, Jan. 15, 2001. pgs.31-36.
February 20: Richard Parham -- Moye, Joe, and Upton, Dave, "Data Warehousing 101" Strategic Finance, February 2001: p.34-39.
February 22: Jeanine Ammirati -- Armstrong, Larry. "Handhelds That Do it All: Hybrid gadgets are growing." BusinessWeek. February 12, 2001. Pgs 98-99.
February 27: Vladimir Parchuk -- Burrows, Peter; Edwards, Cliff; Green, Jay. "Microsoft and Intel: Moving in on PC Makers' Turf." Business Week, Jan 15, 2001. pg. 41.
March 1: Hilary Hollifield -- Brown, Bruce and Marge. "Expanding Capabilities." PC Magazine. March 6, 2001. pgs. 188-193.
March 13: Corey Anderson -- Strout, Erin. "Intranets Grow Up." Sales and Marketing Management. December 2000. pg.105.
March 15: Blaine McFalls -- Whiting, Rick. "Oracle Unveils Data Guard Technology." Information Week, March 7, 2001.
March 20: Hillary Tweed -- Spring, Tom. "TV as You Like It: New Tricks for the Old Box", PC World Magazine, Jan.2001, pages 56-62.
March 22: Mark Vanderslice -- Lowry,Tom. "E-Books: The Next Chapter." Business Week, March 12, 2001. pg.76.
March 27: Cathy Rhoney -- Gunther, Marc. "Sony's Boogie Knight." Fortune, March 19, 2001. pp. 105-115.
April 10: Francisco Martin
April 12: Mary Kate Allison -- Wildstrom, Stephen H. "Smarter Tools to Search a Wider Web." Business Week, March 26, 2001. Page 24.
April 17: Callie Ashe -- Atanasov, Maria "The Truth About Internet Fraud" Smart Business April 2001 pp. 92-101
April 19: Kim Freeman -- Schrage, Michael. "I Know What You Mean. And I Can't Do Anything About It." Fortune Magazine, April 2, 2001, pg. 74.
April 24: Rob Morris