Due: December 4, 2000
You will analyze and build the business requirements for a system for the “Videos to Go” shop. To do this, you will define:
- the project scope
- a descriptive list of the business requirements (logical requirements)
- who will be assigned to complete each requirement
- the estimated time for each requirement and the estimated time for the project (keeping in mind what tasks can be done in parallel)
- a description of the resources that will be needed
- a design of one input screen
You will work with the customer in class on the dates shown on the Mgmt 386 web page.
You will submit all of the above to the customer (Videos to Go) in two forms: a professionally written report and in a short presentation (in class on December 4th).
You must work in system analysis project teams of two or three people.
A reminder
Assignment #2 (see Handout #3)
The last two requirements for your web page have been added to the “Things to put on your course web site” list (see the Mgmt 386 web page). If you have been keeping up with all the deadlines for this web page during the semester, these last two items should take you no longer than about an hour or two to add to your page.