Attend the following presentation on April 3rd, 4:30 - 5:45, at the Owen Conference Center...
Dr. Richard Colfax will be speaking at the event. He is an Human Resource
Management professor
from the University of Guam and he'll be talking about his work
experiences in Japan and Guam and also about "global fit assessment" ...
that is, about how we select/hire executives who fit well within the
context of international businesses, where cultural, religious, economic
and other ideologies are different than their own home countries. This
might apply to U.S. managers going abroad or international managers coming
Title: Getting to the Right International Assignee (Expat);
Application of the Global Fit Pyramid
Selecting the right person for a job is always difficult. Selecting the
right person of an international assignment is even harder. The Global Fit
Pyramid is a tool developed to assist international assignee (IA) decision
makers. The Pyramid identifies a progressive decision making process
which can help find the right .fit. for the IA and Assignment. This will
be an interactive session where the Global Fit Pyramid is briefly
introduced and participants try to apply the Pyramid.
About the Speaker
Dr. Richard Colfax, Ph.D., GPHR is Professor of Human Resource Management
and the Professional MBA Coordinator at the University of Guam.s (UOG.s)
School of Business and Public Administration. He has been at UOG for 14
years and lived in Japan for over 20 years before moving to Guam. He has
more than 35 years of international business experience in the
Pacific-Asia Region, including Japan, Guam & Micronesia. He graduated with
undergraduate degrees from Sophia University in Japan, masters degrees
from Azusa Pacific University and Fielding Graduate University and a
doctorate in Human and Organizational Systems from Fielding Graduate
University. A fluent speaker of Japanese, he has worked, consulted,
trained and taught in various venues in the Asia-Pacific Region. He has
been recognized as a leading regional educator as the 1999 CASE
Carnegie Professor of the Year for Guam and the 1998 University of Guam
(UOG) Teacher of the Year. His professional qualifications include Global
Professional in Human Resources (GPHR); Conflict Resolution (ADR)
Mediator; MBTI Trainer; PATA certified Risk & Crisis Management Trainer,
and International Human Resource Management (IHRM) Trainer. He has
numerous articles and publications including the topic for today.s
talk: Global Organizational Fit Pyramid for Global IT Team Selection which
he co-authored with Dr. Karri T. Perez, PH.D., SPHR, GPHR. It is a chapter
in the 2007 .Information Resources Management; Global Challenges.
Write a full 1-and-a-half to 2 page single-spaced paper (plus cover
sheet) with 3
labeled sections as
Paper will not be accepted after 5:00pm on
Thursday, April 17th