Class Schedule
August 22
- Handout #1: Course Policies
- Professional
Behaviors document
- What is Information Technology (IT) and the field of Management
Information Systems (MIS)?
- Why do managers need to understand information technology (IT)?
- Reading and exercise due on August 24:
Learned. Analyze the system development projects in this article.
(The first
one, The Scourge of Isolation, is done as an example for you).
- For each of the other three cases, make a list of the following 5
- general information about the company
- description of the software project -- type of software system the
company was trying to build
- the reason(s) the organization is building the system-- what business
problem do they hope it will solve
- outcome -- what happened in the "end"
- mistakes the company made -- list of actions that caused the project
to fail
August 24
- DUE today: Exercise assigned on August 22
- Discussion of Hot Topic assignments
- Information system software versus the software used to develop the system
August 29
- Dates assigned for This is Cool presentations assignment
- The System Development Lifecycle and the business person's role in
developing information systems
August 31
- DUE: Hot Topic #1
- The I.T. department... who can help you?
September 5
- Improving your PowerPoint presentations:
- Building a web site with Google Sites
- Exercise due on September 7:
- your first web site -- Create the gawdiest (but rated PG) web site you
can while experimenting with as many of the google site software features as you can.
- Reminders:
- Make sure the "permissions and sharings" is set to "anyone with the link"
- Deadline to email your website address to Dr. Manns is 8:00am on Friday, Sept. 7th
September 7
- DUE: Your first web site (URL due to Dr. Manns no later than 8:00am)
- How to apply the SDLC to building your website
September 12
- Types of Software
- Readings DUE:
September 14
- DUE: Hot Topic #2
- Types of Software, continued
September 19
- Introducing Databases
- DUE: Bring your questions for Exam I
September 21
September 26
- Dr. Manns will be at a conference (so, you can sleep late :-)
September 28
- DUE: Hot Topic #3
- Databases, continued
- Creating a data file and a report file with MS-Access
- Handout: Database assignment
October 3
- DUE: Presentation to client: First iteration of web site
- Email Dr. Manns the link of your website at least 30 minutes before the first iteration is due in class.
- Scope and requirements for first iteration here
- More information for your website assignment:
- technological issues and design issues
October 5
- Databases, contined (more about databases and your database
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software
October 10
- DUE: Hot Topic #4
- The ethical use of data - a management decision: No Place to Hide
October 12
- DUE: Presentation to client: Second iteration of web site
October 17
- REMINDER: Have you scheduled your interview time with an I.T. Professional? See page 4 on Handout #1.
- Geographic Information System (GIS) software
- Any questions on the database assignment?
October 19
- DUE: Database Assignment
- HTML commands
- General instructions for upcoming simulation and retrospective
October 24
- *Simulation* (Try to arrive early today)
Reminder: There are no make-up dates for the Simulation and
Retrospective. See handout #1 for more information.
October 26
- *Project Retrospective*
- Handout: Simulation Report
October 31
- DUE: Simulation report
- Artificial Intelligence software
- Review for exam -- bring your questions
November 2
November 7
- Business Intelligence (BI) software
- Enterprise Resource Planning
November 9
- DUE: Hot Topic #5
- Making a Business Case
- Prezi - guest presentation by Sara Kemp (thanks, Sara!)
November 14
- DUE: Interview with an IT Professional
- Change Leadership: Introducing Innovation into an Organization
- Handout:: Change Leadership Exercise
November 16
- Change leadership class exercise, continued
- Change Leadership: Introducing Innovation into an Organization
- Handout: Change Leadership assignment
November 21 and 23: Thanksgiving Holiday
November 28
- DUE: Presentation to client: Final iteration of web site
- Internship presentation - Jonathan Kramer
- Change Leadership, continued
- Complete the table on handout #4
- DUE: Team member names and the software you are addressing in your Change Leadership assignment
November 30
Wednesday, December 5 - 8:00am (until 10:30am)
- DUE: Change Leadership assignment