Mgmt 380
Class Schedule
August 26
- Handout #1:
Course Policies
- Handout #2:
Assignment 1
- Chapters 1 and 2
- What is Management Science (Operations Research): Why is it done?
When is it done? When and why was it conceived?
- Vocabulary: decision variables, objective function, constraints,
optimal solution, etc.
- Creating a linear programming model
- Assigned Exercises (due Sept. 2):
- Assigned Reading (due Sept. 2): What Keeps a Bottom
Line Healthy?
September 2
- Discussion of the exercise assigned on August 26
- Discussion of reading assigned on August 26
- Chapter 2, continued:
- Solving a linear programming model
- Handout #3:
Assignment 2
September 9
- Chapter 2, continued
- Solving a linear programming model with STORM software
- Slack and Surplus
- Handout #4: Assignment 3
- Short PowerPoint demo (for students who have never used PowerPoint)
September 16
September 23
September 30
- 6:00, Owen Conference Center (3rd floor Owen)
- Chapter 8
- Integer Linear Programming
- Handout
#7: Assignment 5
October 7
- Chapter 3
- Sensitivity Analysis & Parametric Programming
- Handout #5
(distributed in class on September 16)
- Handout #8:
Sensitivity Analysis and Parametric Programming Exercise
October 14
- Review of exercise on Handout #8
- The Simplex Method for maximization problems
and with <=
- Chapter 5
- Handout #9: The
Simplex Method
- Handout #11:
Simplex Method (for maximization problems with <= constraints) Exercise
(due Oct. 21)
- Handout
#10: Assignment 6
October 21
- Chapter 5
- Exercise on Handout #11 due
- The Simplex Method for minimization problems and
with >= constraints
- Handout #12: Simplex Minimization Problem with >= Constraints (handout
not available on
the web)
===>> NOTE: Dr. Manns will be out of town at a conference in
California during the week of October 27th.
October 28
November 4
- Assignment 6 presentations
- Chapter 7
- Transportation and Assignment models
- Handout
#13: Assignment 7
November 11
- Chapter 10
- Project scheduling: PERT / CPM models
- Handout #14: PERT/CPM exercise (handout not available on the web)
- Handout #15: PERT/CPM with time estimates (handout not available on
the web)
- Assignment 8 (final project due December 2)
- No handout -- Assignment will be explained in class
- Must be done in teams
- 20 points
- written memo and presentation
- presentation time <= 10 minutes
November 18
- PERT / CPM, continued
- Chapter 9
- Network Flow Models
- shortest route
- minimal spanning
- maximal flow
- Handout
#16: Assignment 9
November 25
- Chapter 11
- Inventory Management
- "The Manager and Management Science"
December 2
- Final Project Presentations .. and pizza!
December 9