Mgmt 380
Class Schedule
January 16
January 21
January 23
January 28
- Chapter 2
- Linear Programming
- Creating a linear programming model, continued
- Class Exercises
January 30
- Chapter 2, continued
- Review two take-home exercises (from January 28)
- Solving a linear programming model
- Handout #3:
Assignment 2
February 4
February 6
- Assignment 2 due
- Handout #4:
Assignment 3
- Using STORM software to solve linear programming models
- Slack, Surplus, Shadow Price
February 11
February 13
February 18
February 20
February 25
February 27
- Chapter 5: Simplex, continued
- Handout #8, continued
March 4
- Assignment 4 due
- Chapter 5: Simplex, continued
- Handout #9: Simplex (for minimization problems) -- this handout is
not available on the web
March 6
March 10-14: Spring Break!
March 18
- Chapter 7: Transportation Models
March 20
March 25
- Chapter 9: Network Models
March 27
- Review: Bring your questions!
April 1
April 3
- Chapter 10: Project Scheduling: PERT/CPM
April 8
- No class (Dr. Manns is attending a research workshop)
April 10
April 15
- Project Scheduling: PERT/CPM, continued
- Handout #12: Another PERT/CPM example (this handout is not available
on the web)
- Handout #13: And yet another PERT/CPM example (this handout is not
available on the web)
- Assignment 7 explained:
- Complete #18 in text page 471 (copies available upon request)
- Due: April 24
- 20 points
- Same requirements as all other assignments (such as: include an
executive summary, may work in a team of 2, etc. etc. etc.)
April 17
April 22
April 24
- Chapter 11: Inventory Management
- Assignment #8 explained:
- details will be given in class
- must be done in teams of 2
- 25 points
- written and presentation in class (presentation time <= 10
- DUE: May 6 or 8 (due dates will be picked out of a "hat" in class
April 29
- Inventory Management, continued
May 1
- Inventory Management, continued
May 6
- Final project (assignment #8) presentations
May 8
- Final project presentations, continued
May 13