Mgmt 379: Changing the World
Team Origin
Girls on the Run
P.N.P. - Pets not Profit
Getting Fit in the Pharmacy
D.M.S.A (Drugs and Mandatory Sentencing Awareness)
Think Twice [about debt]
Going White
ReThink: Art
Adam Cable
My intent is to create a study group to regularly discuss social and world
issues, and how they apply to art. We often do not take the time to
evaluate where we are going, what we are doing, and what we intend to
accomplish when working within a global community - I feel that this is
something all responsible students of the arts should do. I hope to foster
a dialog among students and place emphasis on actively engaging these
discussed issues, both individually and as a group.
Mark Nussbaum and Jeremy Woods
For over 150 years advocates of natural selection are still left
searching for a definitive testimony of facts to uphold Darwin.s idea of
common ancestry. The problem with the theory of evolution being required
in public high schools is that it.s usually presented as factual when in
reality portions of the curriculum have already been disproven. Our goal
is to have these outdated figures and examples removed from the classroom.
If you share a concern over this issue, we welcome your support.
Christy Traylor
I am working to organize a committee of women in the area to start a Girls
on the Run for Polk and Rutherford Counties. Girls on the Run is a
program designed for girls in 3rd through 8th grades that combines
training for a 5k with healthy living education. At these ages our girls
are making decisions about which paths to choose in life. Would you like
to take part in Girls on the Run in our area so that we may have a
positive impact on our young ladies here in Polk and Rutherford counties?
Ryan Bostic
Last year over 4000 unwanted pets were put to sleep at the Asheville
Humane Society Shelter. Spaying and neutering helps reduce the need for so
many euthanizations, but the problem is that people continue to breed pets
to sell in our area. Pets not Profits was started to raise awareness and
combat for-profit pet breeding. By focusing on at-home breeders and their
effect on the pet population P.N.P. reduces the number of euthanizations
by reducing the number of pets in Western North Carolina. This sets
itself apart from the numerous pet organizations in the area. Would you be
interested in helping our cause?
Matthew Sanders
My goal is to lead change in the Wal-Mart pharmacy by helping at least 7
pharmacy associates lose 15 pounds in a 3 month span. This will help get
them in better physical shape and promote a healthy lifestyle. I plan to
lead this change by implementing an exercise and nutritional program for
them that will allow them to lose weight and feel better.
Randall Warren
Did you know that three drug possession charges will net you several years
in prison? This is a direct result of mandatory minimum sentencing in our
justice system. Not only is this a waste of tax dollars, it is filling up
our prisons and in turn is releasing a significant portion of rapists and
murderers. My goal is to lead a local movement to remove mandatory
minimums from our justice system.
Whitney King
Our generation has been dubbed .generation debt.. Since
2000, the personal savings rate has fallen to -2.9%. Combine that with the
average debt a student graduates with, $23,000, and the youth of today
certainly are living up to their name. With such an exponential increase
in debt, today.s youth are set to be the first American generation that
will not enjoy a higher standard of living than their parents. To remedy
the situation, it is my goal to get youth to start thinking early about
the impact that debt can have on their lives. By educating high school
seniors, they can hopefully make sound financial decisions and think twice
about debt.
Colleen Marsh
If you could positively impact the environment with minimal effort why
wouldn't you? Using organic cotton is one of the easiest ways you can
reduce chemical population of our ground water and soil. For ever pound of
cotton that is organically grown there is one-third pound less chemicals
in our environment. If you think about how much how much cotton is in your
wardrobe you can see what a huge impact you could have by just
switching to organic. I'm trying to convert as many people as possible
over to using organic cotton. Would you like to know where you can get
organic cotton?