Mgmt 373: Leading Organizational Change
Did you know every one minute, one million plastic bags are consumed, 10
percent are recycled, and even fewer biodegrade?
We are attempting help this problem by encouraging usage of biodegradable
bags and reusable bags at our campus bookstore.
Our goal is to improve our campuses green image while helping our
Do you want to be fulfilled in life? Want a job that's meaningful to you?
College is important step in life and many children are choosing not to
take it. With the current state of the economy and job market become
extremely competitive, attending college is almost a necessity to
guarantee a sustainable and satisfying job. By talking to high school
children about what's stopping them from taking that step, I hope to
change the minds of some children.
I am trying to rejuvenate our Green Team to make it more active and
effective at the Olive Garden restaurant. Though there are a few things we
have already done to help the environment here, I feel as though there is
a lot more we can do to make our restaurant more sustainable. Hopefully,
by doing this, our restaurant can be a leading example for all other Olive
Gardens to be more green, too. I.ll let you know when the next Green Team
meeting is so maybe you can come share any ideas you might have to reduce
waste or save energy here.
Did you know that the Biltmore Company is one of the largest sponsors of
Mission Hospital.s exercise program Lighten Up 4 Life; however there are
no employees actively participating in Lighten Up 4 Life? The program
empowers its members by offering a variety of options to meet your health
objectives. I want to get our company involved in this program by getting
at least eight people to join and meet their weight loss goal. Exercising
regularly can improve our mood, help combat chronic disease, and help us
manage our weight. By joining Lighten Up 4 Life now, we could enjoy the
benefits of exercise together!
Wolf-dogs and captive bred wolves pose a unique set of challenges for our
area. Where do they belong? What do we do with them? Full Moon Farm, a
shelter in Black Mountain, NC, rescues, looks after, and seeks adoptions
for these amazing animals. They are non profit and rely completely on
donations and sponsorships to provide for their residents. Provided you
meet their requirements, you too can take one home and discover just how
wonderful they really are, all while keeping an otherwise homeless animal
off the streets and out of danger. Would you like to know more?
Did you know that the work load for the e-commerce staff has been nearly
doubled? This team is now in need of additional support and I have
developed a strategy to support their team. I intend to increase the
number of e-commerce team members through the cross training of other call
center individuals who are interested in learning something new! This
will allow our team to grow together while maintaining, not increasing,
the salary dollars our department has in place. Let me know if you are
interested in helping with training strategies or being a member of the
cross trained team!
Did you know that many counties in North Carolina and in other states host
sessions about healthy eating for recipients of food stamps, but McDowell
County does not? The existing program allows families great flexibility
in what can be purchased, and often nutrition takes a back seat to sweets
and junk foods. You can stand in any checkout line at any grocery store
and observe that the quantity of junk food in the carts often exceeds half
the amount of the total order. In a state that is ranked 12th in the
country for obesity, careful consideration needs to be given to
nutritional awareness in the orientation process for new and existing
applicants. I would like to start a nutritional awareness program for new
and existing food stamps card-holders. By doing this, families can be
made aware of the foods they should purchase with their EBT cards that
would be to their nutritional and healthful advantage.
Monica A. Ray Tellez and Tim Betzel
Ashley Gowen
Margot Sutton
Kaitlyn McDaniel
Jason Gum
Stephanie Wood
Shannon Bingham