January 15
- Handout #1: Class Policies
- General introduction to course
January 17
- DUE: 3-ring notebook with two dividers and blank paper
- DUE: Your first idea for your research project. Fill in the blank: something about _______
- More information about narrowing your research topic
January 22
- DUE: A research article related to the broad topic you identified during class on January 17th
- An example of a research article appears on the Mgmt 352 MOODLE site
- More about narrowing your topic
January 24
- DUE: Your research question (first draft)
January 29
- DUE: Your research question (second draft)
- Introduction to building your Theoretical Foundation for your research project
January 31
- Meet in library room 119 (computer lab behind the reference desk)
February 5
- DUE: Final draft of research question
- Helpful reading for narrowing your research topic and doing your literature search: Chapter 3 in How To Do a Research Project book
- DUE: For those who did not have a valid research paper in class on January 22 ==> Handout #2: Summary of a research paper (I assigned you a research paper from the list that is on MOODLE)
- More about building your Theoretical Foundation (Literature Search) for your research project
- How to prepare an Annotated Bibliography
- Additional information about Annotated Bibliography on MOODLE page
February 7
- DUE: Two articles in your Annotated Bibliography
- How to design a survey or interview instrument for your research
February 12
- DUE: Two more articles in your Annotated Bibliography (total = 4)
- BRING: Your laptop to class today
REMINDER: Have you perused the research papers on the MOODLE page?
February 14
- DUE: Two more articles in your Annotated Bibliography (total = 6)
- BRING: Your laptop to class today
February 19
- DUE: Annotated Bibliography for 6 (or more) articles
- See requirements for this assignment on MOODLE
- How to prepare your interview/survey questions
February 21
- BRING: Your laptop to class today
- Consent form for your research (see examples on MOODLE)
February 26
- DUE: interview/survey form for your research
- BRING a printed copy to class AND email it to Dr. Manns no later than one hour before class begins today
- Email subject line: MGMT 352: questions version 1
- BRING your computer to class today
February 28
- DUE: interview/survey form for your research (version 2)
- BRING a printed copy to class AND email it to Dr. Manns no later than one hour before class begins today
- Email subject line: MGMT 352: questions version 2
- BRING your computer to class today
March 5
- DUE: interview/survey form for your research (version 3)
- BRING a printed copy to class AND email it to Dr. Manns no later than one hour before class begins today
- Email subject line: MGMT 352: questions version 3
- BRING your computer to class today
March 7
- DUE: interview/survey form for your research and consent statement
- Turn in printed copy
- You can begin to distribute your surveys or do your interviews once you have received an approval email from Dr. Manns. Look for this email sometime after March 7.
SPRING BREAK: March 10-17
March 19
- DUE: Introduction and Theoretical Foundation section
- Peer review and schedule a time to go over your draft with Dr. Manns
- More "how to" information for collecting your survey/interview data
Dr. Manns will be at a conference on March 21-22.
March 21
- No class today. Instead, schedule a meeting with Dr. Manns to go over your Intro/TF (time slots will be distributed in class on March 19)
March 26
- DUE: Verbal report on your data collection. Approximately half your data should be collected by today.
- How to write a Methodology section
- BRING your computer to class today
- Work on your Methodology secion of your paper.
- Near the end of class: Some individual meetings to discuss your Introduction and Theoretical Foundation
March 28
- Individual meetings to discuss your Introduction and Theoretical Foundation (Owen 210)
April 2
- LOCATION CHANGE: We will meet in Owen 228 (the lab) today.
- BRING: All consent forms and survey/interview data to class
April 4
- DUE: Introduction and Theoretical Foundation (version 2) with Methodology section (version 1)
- How to write your Results section
April 9
- DUE: List of observations from your data (as we discussed in class on April 4 -- also appears in "Assignments" section on MOODLE)
- BRING: Your computer to class today
- Work on your Results section
April 11
- DUE: Introduction (version 3), Methodology (version 2), and Results (version 1) sections
- How to write your Analysis section
April 16
- Deaver Traywick, Director of the UNC Asheville Writing Center
- Be sure to incorporate his advice into your paper
April 18
- DUE: Introduction, Methodology, Results (version 2), and Analysis sections
- How to write your Conclusion/Summary and Abstract
April 23
- Individual meeting with Dr. Manns to discuss your paper-in-progress (Owen 210)
3:10 Ian
3:25 Leslie
3:40 Nick
3:55 TJ
4:15 Nathan
April 25
- Individual meeting with Dr. Manns to discuss your paper-in-progress (Owen 210)
3:00 Kris
3:50 David
4:00 Russ
4:15 Taylor
Monday, April 29
- DUE: Final Paper (with all sections, including the Conclusion/Summary and Abstract)
May 2, 3:00 until 5:30