Extra credit opportunity
8 points (maximum)

Attend this presentation:

Lorri Allen (Sound Bite Coach)
From Dorm Room to Board Room: Master the communications skills to propel your career!

Thursday September 17, 2009 @ 1:30
Humanities Lecture Hall (Carmichael Hall)

Lorri Allen is the SOUND BITE COACH. Her company works with people who want to craft a clear media message. As a journalist, she realized that others did better on camera which seemed unfair. Thus, began her company to help people master the media. You can find more info about her at www.soundbitecoach.com

Write a full 1-and-a-half to 2 page single-spaced paper with 3 labeled sections as follows:

Extra Credit paper will not be accepted after 3:00 on Friday, September 25.