
Mgmt 380: Management Science
Spring 2000

Your continuance in this course is the indication that you agree with the policies on this handout. In order to treat all students equally, there will be absolutely no exceptions to any written policy that appears on this or on subsequent handouts. PLEASE REFER TO THIS HANDOUT OFTEN!

Course Description

The application of quantitative methods to decision making. Emphasis is placed on linear programming and related topics, decisions theory, Markov chains, network analysis, forecasting, inventory models and simulation. Prerequisites: STAT 185 or
225; demonstrated computer proficiency. Fall and Spring.

M.L. Manns

Owen 210

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-11:30 (and by appointment)

Reference Material:
Taylor, Management Science


Assignments . . . . . . . . 200
Exams (2 @ 50 pts.) . . 100
TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 pts.

B) Final letter grades will be assigned as follows:
275-300: A
249-274: B
223-248: C
197-222: D
below 197: F

C) In the case of "borderline" points, a student will receive the higher of the two grades only if he/she: 1) had regular class participation and, 2) completed all assignments. Class participation and quality of assignments have a large influence on final grades!

D) Those who do not complete ALL assignments cannot be eligible for a final letter grade 'A'.

E) 'I' or 'W' grades are not given lightly. The student must have had regular class attendance in order to be eligible to request an 'I'.


Most assignments will require some type of written and/or computer work and formal or informal presentation to the class.

Quality of Written Work and Class Presentations

All written, computer, and oral work must represent a quality and level of competency that would be acceptable in the work place.
Therefore, points will be deducted for such things as poor writing and presentation style, misspellings, bad grammar, and a shoddy appearance of written documents or presentation slides. Expectations for your work in this course are nothing more than the quality your employers will expect.

Extra Credit

As assignments are graded, some often stand out because a student puts extra effort into doing more than is required. Unique assignments such as these are eligible for an extra credit "plus," which will have a positive effect on the calculation of the final course grade.

Due Dates

You will be faced with many critical deadlines in the work place. In academic environments, a course can be successful only if both the instructor and the students are prepared for each class meeting. These are the reasons deadlines are taken so seriously in this course.

Deadlines appear on handouts. This date refers to the day the paper(s) must be received in the hands of the instructor. One point will be deducted each day any assignment is overdue, weekends and school holidays excluded. Items that are presented too late to earn points will receive one of the following: "check," "check plus," or "check minus." Deadline extensions will not be considered for any individual. If you are late, you should gracefully accept a lowered score.


A) Exam I will be held on Wednesday, February 23. The final exam will be held on Monday, May 8th.

B) Exams will include all material from lecture, readings and class discussions.

C) Exams must be taken during designated class period(s). There will be NO MAKE-UPS OR OPPORTUNITY FOR EARLY EXAMS. If a student must miss only the first exam, the score on the comprehensive final exam will be applied to this missed exam (with no effect on the final exam score). If only the final exam is missed, some type of oral exam will be administered. There are no provisions for two missed exams; therefore a zero score will be recorded.

Class Attendance

A) Class attendance may be considered in the calculation of the final grade. (See the "Grading" section on this handout.) Each student is responsible for all information and assignments discussed in class, whether or not he/she is present. When class is missed, handouts must be picked before the next class.

B) IF CLASS IS CANCELED for any reason, students should not assume that dates for scheduled exams and assignments will be changed. When in doubt, check my office door and/or E-mail for any messages.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

Cheating on exams or on any assignment will not be tolerated! As stated in the UNCA catalogue, "A person who knowingly assists another in cheating is likewise guilty of cheating." There will be no second chances. Those found cheating will receive a zero score on the assignment or the exam in which the cheating occurred. In addition, a letter describing the event will be sent to the Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Your awareness of this policy and your confirmation that the work you submit meets an Honor System (as related in the above paragraph and in the UNCA catalog) will be indicated by your signature next to your printed name on all papers submitted for grading. Work submitted without your signature will not be graded.


Any students who feels that he/she has been treated unfairly in this course may appeal any decision of the instructor by presenting his/her case in writing to all other students in the class.