Rate of Speech
Carmen Canty
Speaking too quickly during a presentation is a common problem.
1) When speaking in public, one's anxiety level may increase resulting in
talking faster than normal.
2) Speaking fast during a presentation can cause the audience to
understand less and feel as if the presentation is being rushed.
--- Practice. Practice your presentation enough so you are comfortable
with the material. Practice in front of an audience of your choice.
--- Tape yourself. Listening to the tape and seeing if you are
speaking too quickly according to your standards can help you.
--- Time yourself. Timing yourself before the actual presentation, or
predetermining how long your presentation should take, may help you. If
you know you have 20 minutes to talk you may not feel rushed and can
--- Use a time keeping apparatus during the presentation. Pacing
yourself using a time keeping apparatus can help.
--- Force yourself to slow your rate of speech using alternative
Over practicing could result in you sounding robot-like and
monotone. Over practicing could also result in an extreme comfort level
that becomes conducive to ad-libbing which can take away from your
Known Uses:
I have taped myself before. Listening to yourself on tape may not
be a fun experience, but you hear how you sound to others. I correct
quick speech and the number of "Ummm"s in my presentation using this
method. I saw a Power Point presentation that used a meter. This program
has time keeping settings that can help you pace yourself. A problem
result if the audience is so interested in your meter they are not
listening to you. Again, alternate methods can include anything that helps
you slow down while speaking. One example, told to me by a friend, is to
place a pencil behind your teeth right before a presentation and talk with
this in your mouth. This will have you speaking slower just in time for
you to present and has no permanent effects.
It is always important to present your information in a fashion
that keeps the audience and you comfortable. Most people are comfortable
with a certain number of words a minute (@ 160, I think). Increasing that
rate could cause your audience to feel rushed or to sense your