Team Analysis Paper


(see due date on the course web page)



One of the objectives in this course (as stated on the “Course Policies” handout) is:  to demonstrate advanced skills in team dynamics.  Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to reflect on those dynamics – how your team interacted to get the tasks done, including what went well, what did not go as well, and most importantly, an analysis of the reasons for each.


Your team is assigned two projects:

            1)  the case in-progress presentations and final presentation and paper

            2)  the international report and presentation


As explained in class, the information for this paper will come from three primary sources:

1)  the “journal” you are keeping about your team

2)  your notes about how your team members interact (You know their Myers-Briggs types, but you must also consider the guest lecturer’s explanation of how these types interact in a team.)

3)  the project retrospective at the end of the semester


Following are the four sections that are required in this paper.  You are welcome and encouraged to add additional information/sections that will help your analysis.  To protect individual privacy, use only a “code name” for each person throughout your paper.  Be certain that each section is clearly indicated and well organized. 



-  team activities:  summary of your team’s activities throughout the semester

-  team members:  summary of each member

Include each person’s code name, interests, strengths, weaknesses, summary of his or her Myers-Briggs types, role in the group, etc.


            What went well:

Concentrate on the team interactions.  What went well?  Provide a summary and specific examples.  Include the reasons you believe each example went well.


What did not go well:

Again, concentrate on the team interactions.  What did not go well?  Provide a summary and specific examples.  Include the reasons you believe each example did not go well.  And, for each example, explain what you could have done to improve the situation which, at the time, did not go well.  (Hint:  A good place to start in this analysis is to consider the guest speaker’s description of how each of the Myers-Briggs types in your team will interact and what can be done to improve this interaction.  Of course, there are other things to consider too.)


Conclusion and summary of the previous three sections


Note:  Your paper will not be seen by any other member of the class.