Mgmt 491 (Tues/Thurs 9:25)

Class Schedule


Aug. 21            Discussion of topics and dates for course requirements


Aug. 23            Topics due for Ethics and Pro/Con Debate – due in writing


Aug. 28            Case segment #1 distributed


Aug. 30            HOTP:   Mary Beth Shipman ("Banking on the Back-to-School Crowd")

Ethics:  Hilary, Henry:  (securities investment industry)


Sept.  4            Case in-progress:  Vanda, Blaine, Henry          

                        Case segment #2 distributed

                        Individual in-progress case summaries due


Sept. 6             HOTP: Hilary Hollifield ("Is Wal-Mart Hostile To Women?" Business Week)

Different Views:  Marc, Quinton (tobacco industry)


Sept.  11          Team Dynamics:  A Myers-Briggs Analysis,

Dr. Maggie Weshner, Director of the UNCA Counseling Center


Sept.  13          Opportunity to work on team projects


Sept.  18          Case in-progress:  Quinton, Ellen

                        Case segment #3 distributed

                        Individual in-progress case summaries due


Sept.  20          HOTP:  Casey Earnhardt ("Diversity trumps the downturn" Forbes)

Ethics:  Blaine, Eric:  (free music downloading)


Sept.  25          Case in-progress:  Vanda, Blaine, Henry

                        Case segment #4 distributed

                        Individual in-progress case summaries due


Sept.  27          HOTP:  Quinton Arledge ("Lehman moves its offices into Sheraton hotel" USA Today)

Different Views:  Mary Kate, Ellen, Casey (privacy at work)


Oct.  2             Case in-progress:  Casey, Eric, Hilary

                        Case segment #5 distributed

                        Individual in-progress case summaries due


Oct. 4              HOTP:  Mary Kate Allison ("The Best Global Brands"Business Week)

Different Views:  Mary Beth, Blaine (organizational structures)


Oct.  9             HOTP:  Marc Ludvigsen ("Saints Alive" Inc. Magazine)

Ethics:  Marc, Quinton, Vanda  (sports industry)


Oct. 11            Fall Break


Oct.  16           Opportunity to work on team projects


Oct.  18           Guest Speaker - Charles Massey (more details to follow)


Oct.  23           Case in-progress:  Mary Beth, Mary Kate, Marc

                        Case segment #6 distributed

                        Individual in-progress case summaries due


Oct.  25           HOTP:  Henry Sinclair ("Economic Growth and Tax Reconcilation Act of 2001" CPA Journal)

Different Views:  Hilary, Vanda (salaries)


Oct.  30           Ethics:  Mary Kate, Ellen (age discrimination)

                        Case-in-progress:  Casey, Eric, Hilary


Nov.  1            HOTP:  Blaine McFalls

Different Views:  Henry, Eric  (motivators in the workplace)


Nov.  6            Case in-progress:  Mary Beth, Mary Kate, Marc

                        Case segment #7 distributed

                        Individual in-progress case summaries due


Nov.  8            HOTP:  Ellen Steele ("Stepping Carefully" HR Magazine)

                        HOTP:  Vanda Dy ("Downsizing Can Turn Workers Into Refugees" Weschester County Business Journal)

Ethics:  Mary Beth, Casey  (Microsoft antitrust)


Nov.  13          HOTP:  Eric Albee ("Korea's Tense Lesson in the Wireless Web" The Wall Street Journal)

Case-in-progress:  Ellen, Quinton

Individual in-progress case summaries due

Nov.  15          International 

Nov.  20          International 

Nov.  22          Thanksgiving break


Nov.  27          Final presentation for case 

Nov.  29          Final presentation for case 

Dec.  4             Project Retrospective session


Dec.  6             Hilary Hollifield, internship presentation


Dec.  13           Team analysis and personal speaking evaluation (video) papers due