CSCI 107 Lab 13, Creating Queries and Forms in MS ACCESS

Raw data is worthless unless it is used somehow. There are times when we want just portions of the actual data values, for instance a listing of all the customers names and address who have an outstanding balance at the end of the month. At other times, we might want only summary results, such as the number of outstanding balances and the total of all the outstanding balances. In the first part of this lab, we will create many different kinds of queries. For our purposes we will just look at the results, but queries are the basis for many other types of data processing, such as data entry forms, reports, view forms, mailings, etc.

The second part of the lab will guide you though creating a data entry/view form. In our previous lab you entered data directly into a row of the datasheet view, where the prompts were the field names. A form allows you to group related data, create better field prompts, and add color and in general inhance the display of the data. We will follow the outline below.

  1. Your instructor will give a brief discussion and demonstration of some of the procedures that are necessary to create and modify a query in an ACCESS database application.
  2. Your instructor will briefly explain some of the procedures/principles of creating a form to display data and allow data entry..
  3. The remainder of this handout will guide you through some steps to create various queries and a simple form.

Creating queries

We will create several queries on a single table, then create a query using linked tables . If you do not already have an ACCESS folder on your floppy disk, then use the WIndows Explorer or My Computer to create a new folder on your floppy called ACCESS. Once you have the ACCESS folder on your disk, copy the file Classdemo2.mdb from the folder t:\massey into your ACCESS folder.

If Access is not already running

then set your Look in box to be your A:\ACCESS folder where you should see the Classdemo2.mdb file. Double click on the Classdemo2.mdb file.

Creating a Query on a Single table

Various lists of data can be created by creating a query. This is a method to list only certain fields, or certain records or a combination of the two,

  1. Click the Query tab, then New
  2. Double click on Customer and then Close the Show Table form.
  3. Add fields to the view, by dragging the fields FirstName, LastName, City, State, Destination, and Cost from the table list and drop them into the Field row

    Query form

  4. To filter the records to display only certain records, we use the Query By Example(QBE) method of typing in the Criteria row an example of the data in that colum. For instance, to display only the customers from California,
  5. To see the Californians OR the Oregonians, type CA and OR on separate lines in the Criteria under State
  6. To see the Californians going to England, type CA in the State criteria and England in the Destination criteria all in the same row


  7. To see the customers who paid more than $1200 for their trip, type >1200 in the Cost criteria

    In your ClasDemo Database, Create a different query file for each of the following.

    1. Name the query QBE1: List the only the first and last names and the states of the people who are going to Alaska
    2. Name the query QBE2: List the First and last names, the destination and cost of all the customers in Arizona, sorted by lastnames
    3. Name the query QBE3: List the total cost of all passengers going to Europe. Try to figure this out by your self. Look at the Menu options
    4. Name the query QBE4: Create your own interesting query

Creating Queries with linked tables

Create a new query and add both the tables Customer and Countries Link the two tables by dragging the Destiniation field of Customer over the Destination field of Countries. Now drag only the fields FirstName, LastName, Destination, Passport, MaxPassengers,and MinPassengers on to the Field list. Add the criteria that would display only the England Tours and save this query as QBE5

Creating a simple data entry/display form

We will use the wizard to create a form for the Customer table and then customize the form by moving the fields around on the form To create a new form

  1. Open the Classdemo2 database if it is not already open.
  2. Select the Tables tab, then double click on the Customer table
  3. Click the down arrow attached to the New Object button new object button, then AutoForm

Access automatically creates a separate line for each field and its prompt. At the bottom of the form are the navigational buttons to move from record to record. The buttons (in order) are First record, Previous record, Next record, Last record and New record. navigate records In the design view, use the following steps to make the form look like the one below.

Form display

  1. Select the esign view icon design view icon in the main menu.
  2. Change City text prompt by making two separate clicks (not the quick double click!) on the City prompt and then typing City/St/Zip .
  3. Select the data field City, grab the right middle handle and drag the field to a smaller width. similarly for the State and Zip fields,
  4. Select each field and drag them by the large handle in the upper left corner to the appropriate places. delete the State and Zip text fields
  5. Similarly, move the remaining fields to their new positons on the form
  6. Use the Rectangle tool to draw a rectangel around the last 5 fields.
  7. To change the background color, right click in the background, select Fill/Back Color, Color
  8. Save the form asCustomerForm, close the database.Turn in your disk