Fall 2018 CSCI 373.001: One last time

Trying out the virtual machine

Start up your virtual machine and copy http://www.cs.unca.edu/brock/classes/Spring2017/csci373/notes/boot.img to it. Use wget on your virtual machine to make the copy. You may have to install it.

Mount this image read-only as a file system on your virtual machine. You may need to use losetup to do this. (See losetup.)

Run cksum on the files COPYING.linux and LICENSE.oracle. Also, list the contents of the directory overlays.

For now keep the virtual machine running.

Examining the file system

In another window of your browser, open up a copy of the directory filesearch by clicking the link. For there open up filesearch.txt . See (starting around line 100) how the file COPYING.linux was extracted from the FAT16 image. This was done with the following steps.

Copying a file and a directory

Now do a bit of this on your own. Make a copy of both the file LICENSE.oracle and the directory file overlays. Leave this in the directory OPSYS/filesearch on your account. Use the program script to save a copy of the commands you used to accomplish this task. Also, change the mode of your OPSYS directory to 0700.