Examples of Requirements


The system shall accept a scheduling date.


The system shall warn if the scheduling date is neither today nor within the next two days.


The system shall accept a valid district identifier.


The system shall confirm that the district selected is the one needed by the engineer.


The system shall provide a graphic and colorful view of all the roads in the district.


The system shall be used in and around trucks, operating at freezing temperatures, at night.  It is most likely to be snowing or raining.  Salt and water are expected to come in contact with the product.  Lighting will be poor.  The user will be wearing gloves.


The system shall be easy to use by users who have only one free hand.


The system shall run on the UNIX operating system.


The system shall use a mouse.


The system shall ensure that the weather data corresponds to the data transmitted by the weather station.


The system shall ensure that nobody but authorized users are able to gain access.  Authorized users are …


The system shall ask for a password when data is accessed.


The system shall comply with the [name the law].


The system shall allow changes to the road topography to be recorded.


The system shall keep an audit trail of all roads that are scheduled for treatment, and a record of their having been treated.