Using Squeak on Unix

There may be a better way to do this, but so far we don't know it. First, you must decide if you are going to run the program on an Alpha or a Sun Sparc.

Creating the squeak directory

Connect to your home directory and execute the following command, if using a Sparc workstation. This will create a subdirectory called squeak with four files:

If you are doing this on an Alpha, replace the sparc with alpha.

Running squeak the first time

Connect to your squeak directory.

Now start up squeak with the single argument Squeak2.4c.image.

Bring your mouse into the background (pale green area) of the squeak and press the left mouse button. You should see a pulldowm menu. Choose the selection save as ... When you see the dialog window with the title New File Name?, replace the default (Squeak2.4c.image) with squeak.

Once again, press the left mouse button, but this time choose quit.

You have now created two files:

which will record your work with squeak.

Cleaning up after the first squeak

Now delete the Squeak2.4c.changes and Squeak2.4c.image files.

From now

In the future, if you want to use squeak, just connect to your squeak directory and start the program.