Formal Models


Classes of Grammars

In 1950 Noam Chomsky (a noted Linguist) described four classes of languages (in order of increasing power).

Type 0 and type 1 are important in theoretical computer science, but have little impact on programming language design.

This collection of different types of Chomsky grammars is often referred to as the Chomsky hierarchy. What do we mean by this and is it true?

We interpret this to mean that all type 3 languages are also type 2 languages and that all type 2 languages are also type 1 and all type 1 are also type 0.

Type3  Type2  Type1  Type0

Remember that all the Chomsky grammars are characterised by their productions which take the form:

X  -> Y

The differences lie in what is permitted for X and Y.

Summary of Chomsky grammars

Language Type X Y


Any non-empty sequence of terminals and non-terminals Any sequence of terminals and non-terminals


As type 0 As type 0 but must be longer than X
(this means that it cannot be empty)


A single non-terminal Any sequence of terminals and non-terminals


A single non-terminal A single terminal
A single terminal followed by a single non-terminal

Formal Machine Models

Finite State Automaton (FSA)

A graph with directed labeled arcs, two types of nodes (final and non-final state), and a unique start state is an FSA:

What strings start in state A and end up at state C?

FSA's can have more than one final state:

Non-deterministic FSA vs. Deterministic FSA

Outline of a Proof

Let subsets of states be states in DFA. Keep track of which subset you can be in.

Any string from {A} to either {D} or {CD} represents a path from A to D in the original NFA.

Regular Expressions

You can write any regular language as a regular expression:

0*11*1 + 0*11*(0 + 100*1)1*

The operators used in forming regular expressions are:

How would we write a regular expression for strings that contain at least two a's? Note that it is not necessary that the two a's be contiguous. One such regular expression is (a+b)*a(a+b)*a(a+b)*. Another is b*ab*a(a+b)*. The difference in these two regular expressions becomes obvious when you attempt to generate a particular string using the regular expression. How would you generate babaaba? With the first expression there are six different ways, but with the second expression there is only one way. The required a's in the second expression must be the first two a's of the string.

Two regular expressions are equal if they generate the same set of strings. Here are some more regular expressions for the language of strings containing at least two a's: (a+b)*ab*ab* and b*a(a+b)*ab*. In the first one the required a's are the last two a's of the string and in the second one the required a's are the first and the last.

How would we write a regular expression for strings containing exactly two a's? b*ab*ab*

How about at least one a and at least one b? Note that whatever regular expression we choose must be able to generate both ab and ba. Some expressions that do the job:

Here are some expressions that are equivalent to (a+b)*:

Regular expressions, regular grammars and FSA's

Theorem: Regular expressions, regular grammars and FSA's are all equivalent---they can be used to define the same set of languages

The proof is ``constructive.'' That is given either a grammar G or a FSA M, you can construct the other.

To go from a FSA to a regular grammar, make the following transformations:

Why do we care about regular languages?

Programs are composed of tokens:

Each of these can be defined by regular grammars:


  1. Example 1: An even number of 0's and an even number of 1's
  2. Example 2: a(bb)*bc
  3. Example 3: Binary Odd Numbers
  4. Example 4: 00(1|0)*11
  5. Example 5: Even Number of b's
  6. Example 6: At Most Two Consecutive b

Pushdown Automata (PDA)

Now let's look at a machine that accepts context-free languages, the pushdown automaton or PDA. This machine is fed input just as a finite automaton is. The input tape is infinitely long in the rightward direction, which allows a PDA to accept a finite input of any length. In addition to the input tape, a PDA has an associated stack onto which it can push characters to remember them. This stack has no limit to its size so the PDA can push as many characters as it likes. The machine begins processing with an empty stack.

Typically the first thing the machine does is push a "bottom-of-the-stack marker" onto the stack. We shall use the as that marker. Note that a PDA has two associated alphabets, one containing characters that may appear on the input tape, the other containing characters that may be pushed onto the stack. The two alphabets may be the same but they do not have to be.

We will draw PDAs much like finite automata, except for the transition labels. Each label will consist of three parts: the input character, the character popped off of the top of the stack, and the characters that need to be pushed onto the stack. For example, suppose we find the following transition in a PDA:

We may use a in any of the three parts of the transition label. It always means that we do not do the task that part of the label involves.

Here is a machine that accepts the language {anbn | n 0 }. The machine begins with its input on the input tape and an empty stack. If the input was a correctly formatted string, the machine will read a blank off the input tape at the same time that it pops a blank off the stack and go to state 3 which is an accept state.

PDA for a<SUP>n</SUP>b<SUP>n</SUP>

The previous machine shows that PDAs have more power than FSAs because that machine accepts a nonregular language, something that an FSA cannot do.

A deterministic PDA is one in which every input string has a unique path through the machine. A nondeterministic PDA is one in which we may have to choose among several paths for an input string. We say that an input string is accepted if there is at least one path that leads to an accept state. We shall see that a nondeterministic PDA (NPDA) is more powerful than a deterministic one (DPDA), unlike the situation with FSAs and NFSAs.

Here is a PDA that accepts the PALINDROM language over the alphabet {a,b,x}. PALINDROM = {sxsR} where s is a string over {a,b} and sR is the reverse of s.


Note that there is only one path through the machine for any string, although there is an implied trap state in the machine and a string's path may take it to that implied trap state.

The x in the strings of PALINDROM is essential to our ability to recognize the language with a deterministic machine. Without the x we wouldn't know when to change states. Consider the language PALINDROME2 which contains all odd length palindromes over {a,b}. By changing the label (x,; ) to the two labels (a,;) and (b,;), we have an NPDA that recognizes PALINDROME2.


This machine is nondeterministic because from state 1, when there is an a in the input, the machine can either stay in state 1 and not pop the stack or it can go to state 2 and not pop the stack. Similarly, the machine has two choices if it reads a b and it is in state 1.

Turing Machines

We already know that type 0 languages can be recognised by Turing Machines. Turing machines may also be used as computational devices with greater power than Push Down Automaton and Finite State Automaton.

How powerful are TM's

Alan Turing posited:-

Turings thesis: Each function for which there is a rule to compute its value is a computable problem.
"Any well defined infiormation processing task can be carried out by some Turing machine." (Parkes)
"Any computation that can be realised as an effective procedure can also be realised by a Turing machine"

Definition: An effective procedure is a set of rules which tell us, from moment to moment, precisely how to behave. (Minsky 1972)

This cannot be proved! However no cases disproving it have yet been found. The existence of insoluble problems can be proved.

Any effective procedure must be stated in some language. This can then be interpreted by some machine.



A simple example

We can describe a TM by defining the external alphabet and three functions.

  1. A machine function (MAF) which tells us what symbol to output.
  2. A state transfer function (STF) which tells us what state to move into.
  3. A direction function (MDF) which tells us which way to move the tape.

This machine is a simple parity checker, it scans the tape from left to right until it meets a 'B' symbol, it then outputs a '1' if an odd number of 1's has passed under the head and 0 if an even number of 1's were scanned.

Alphabet I = { 1, 0, B } - these are the only symbols permitted on the tape. It is conventional to assume that the rest of the tape is full of 0's.





































This could be written more simply as













Alternatively as a State Transition Diagram.

You will notice that this TM only moves its tape to the right. A TM which only moves its tape in one direction is equivalent in computational power to a FSM.

Try the tapes      ...101101B...


The Universal TM

It is tedious to develop new turing machines for each new problem. It would be very convenient if there was a single Turing machine which is capable of performing all the computations possible for every other possible Turing machine.

It may seem difficult to believe but this is perfectly possible. We will not look at the solution in detail here but in principle we:

Coding TM's

In order to do this we need to code up a TM to go onto the tape.

We represent them as sets of quintuples.

(Current state, Input Symbol, Output Symbol, New State, Tape Direction)

The quintuples for our parity checker are:


We could use binary to code up these values e.g.

The quintuples are now

00 00 00 00 01
00 01 00 01 01
00 11 00 10 00
01 00 00 01 01
01 01 00 00 01
01 11 01 10 00

Ready to go onto a TM tape for a machine with only two symbols in its alphabet. In practice to simplify the machine we would use a few more symbols e.g. A Universal TM can be constructed with an alphabet of six symbols and with 21 states. (Minsky again).

Some interesting points about Turing Machines

Many other computational models have been proposed. It turns out that is they can compute effective procedures they are exactly equivalent in power to Turing machines.

An Incomputable Problem.

Can we design a Turing machine X which will accept as input a description of another Turing machine Y and its input data D and halt after performing some computation which will tell us if Y will halt when given D as input data.

The answer is NO.

The proof is too complex to go into here but we can go through a proof of a restatement of the problem by Goldschlager and Lister.

The Problem:

We want to know if a program P will halt when it is given some data D.

We start by constructing a program halttester which given P and D outputs "BAD" if P(D)  does not halt and "OK" if P(D) does halt.

A simpler version of this newhalttester tests a program that takes itself as input and outputs "BAD" if P(P)  does not halt and "OK" if P(P) does halt.

Now we build a program funny :

Now we execute funny(funny)

This means:

How can we resolve this?

Fun With Formal Models

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(no. of data)
k n nlogn n2 n3 2n


1S 10 10 100 1mS 1mS


1S 20 26 400 8mS 1.05S


1S 30 44 900 27mS 17.9min


1S 40 64 1.6mS 64mS 127days


1S 50 85 2.5mS 125mS 35.7years


1S 60 107 3.6mS 0.21S 36,558years


1S 70 129 4.9mS 0.34S 37million years


1S 80 152 6.4mS 0.5S 38 billionyears


1S 90 176 8.1mS 0.7S 2 x 1012 years


1S 100 200 10mS 1S 4 x 1016 years


1S 1mS 3mS 1S 2.8min 3 x 10287 years

Computations often occur in typical patterns. e.g.

A calculation which,