CSCI 201 Lab 2 -- Getting to know your IDE

In this lab you will learn to:

  1. Compile and run a java program from the command line interface.
  2. Create, compile and run a project with an IDE.
  3. Copy your file(s) to a floppy disk.

Command Line Interface

There are two ways to compile and run a java program, using the command line interface, and using an IDE. We are going to start by using the command line interface. (In simpler terms, using DOS). First, you need to download a file called "". You can do this as follows:

Now open the command line interface by selecting the Programs from the Start menu, and then selecting the MS-DOS Prompt

This is called the command line. Now you need to change to the directory where the file is located (i.e., C:\files. You can do this by typing:

cd c:\files

on the command line. Next, type


This shows a listing of what is in the current directory (i.e., folder). You should see a file named in the directory.

Next we will set the path variable to assure that DOS can locate the java compiler. To set the path variable do the following:

set path=C:\jdk1.3.1\bin;%PATH%

Now we are ready to compile the file. To do this, type


Javac is the java compiler. It translates the program into bytecode. Now type the dir command again. This time you should see another file called "HelloWorld.class" that was created by the compiler. (If it is not there, start the lab from the beginning. If you still can not get it, ask your lab instructor for help.) The class file is the file that is run by the java interpreter. To run the file, type

java HelloWorld

Your MS-DOS should now look like the one below:
Command line picture

Lab Check-off 1

When you finish, show your MS-DOS window to your lab instructor BEFORE continuing.

Using an IDE

Now you will use an IDE instead of the command line interface. An IDE can simplify your life by integrating a file editor, the java compiler, and the java interpreter into one package. IDE stands for "Integrated Development Environment". For this course, we use a free IDE called JCreator. JCreator requires the latest JDK from Sun. You can download the JDK from Sun at

Now start JCreator as follows and make sure that your window looks like the one above:

If your window does not look like the picture above, choose the File menu and then select Close Workspace. Now it should look like the one above. (If not, ask your lab instructor for help)

Now, we need to create a new project:

You should now see a window like the one below....

Make sure that Empty Project is selected and in the Location field type C:\files\ to save the project in the files folder on the C drive.

For the Project Name, type FirstHello. (We will almost always start with an empty project for our labs, but feel free to experiment with the other options when you have some free time.)

Now hit OK. Your JCreator window should now look like this:

Now choose the File menu again and once again choose New. This time the Files tab should be selected when the window opens. Make sure that Java File is selected and again type FirstHello for the Filename.

Finally, our window looks like this:

Today, we will be making a console application which will open a MS-DOS window when it runs. Now type (or copy and paste) the following lines of code:

public class FirstHello {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("Howdy Folks");

Now, let's examine the code a little bit.

public class FirstHello {

This is the definition of a class named FirstHello. For now, remember that the name after public class should always be the same name as the file. (If it is not the same name, then it will not work correctly.)

   public static void main(String[] args) {

This is the method where everything in a console application starts. (Applets do not have a main method, their starting point is elsewhere.) We will get into the details of the public static void and what is in the ()'s later in lecture.

Finally the line:

      System.out.println("Howdy Folks");

This is where we will focus our attention today. This line of code prints to the console. We are calling the println() method of the object called System.out (That was a mouthful, wasn't it!). In the call to the println() method, we put "Howdy Folks" in the parentheses. This is what will be printed to the console.

Now let's get back to JCreator. We now want to compile our project. You can do this in one of several ways. You can select Compile Project under the Build menu, or you can just press F7 on your keyboard, or you can press the compile button as pointed out below.

The bottom of JCreator should look like the one below. If you have any errors, check your typing and see that it is typed exactly as above. If you still have trouble, ask your lab instructor for help.

We are now ready to run our program and see what happens. As with compiling, there are several ways of running the program. You can select Execute Project under the Build menu, or you can press F5 on your keyboard, or you can press the Execute button pointed out below.

If your window looks like the one below....CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have created a Java program.

Lab Check-off 2

Show this to your lab instructor so that you can receive credit.

Now, let's look around a bit. First, using Windows Explorer, open the project folder that you have just created and look at its contents. Notice that you see the java source code file,, and the FirstHello.class file containing the compiled version of that program along with 3 other files. These 3 other files were created by JCreator. The file with the extension .jcw (i.e., FirstHello.jcw) is the "workspace file". You can open a project in JCreator by double-clicking on the workspace file for that project.

Now, let's play with the code. Change the following, one at a time, in your program. Speculate as to whether these changes will produce errors, and, if there are errors, look at the descriptions in JCreator. If you double-click on the starting line of an error message in the output window, JCreator will place a red arrow in front of the line of code where the error occurred in your program---be sure to try this.

  1. Do the following. BE SURE to change back the previous change before doing the next. If you have any questions be sure to ask your lab instructor.

  2. Now, write a new application (program) called "Initials" that displays your initials in large block letters. Make each large letter out of the corresponding regular character. Do this in a new project titled "Initials". Be sure to close the FirstHello project before creating the new project. Do this by selecting Close Workspace from the File menu before creating the new project. When using JCreator, it is important to open and close projects as opposed to individual java files---remember this in your work outside of lab.

Lab Check-off 3

When you finish the "Initials" program, show it to your lab instructor.

Saving your project folder to disk

Now you need to copy your Initials project folder to a floppy disk which you should insert into the A: drive. In the future, you can save your homework project folders on disk if you want to work on them both at school and at home. Remember to save the entire project folder on disk as opposed to just the java source code file---this will make it much easier to work in JCreator. If you don't have a floppy disk, your instructor should be able to provide one that you must return after you have completed this lab. There are many ways to copy files and folders in Windows, below is one set of instructions. Feel free to use a different procedure if you prefer.

  1. Double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
  2. Now double-click the C: drive in the My Computer window.
  3. Next, double-click the files folder.
  4. Open another My Computer window.
  5. Finally, press on the Initials folder icon in the first window that you opened and drag it to the icon for the A: drive in the second window.

Lab Check-off 4

Ask your lab instructor to verify that your project folder is stored on your floppy disk.