Engr 271 -- Syllabus

UNCA -- Department of Engineering

ENGR 271 TR 2:00-5:00, Robinson 142

Professors: Dr. Tammy Gammon Dr. Dean Brock
Email: tgammon@unca.edu brock@unca.edu
Phone: 251-6744 232-5161
Office: Robinson 311 Robinson 220
Office hours: TBA TBA
Website http://www.cs.unca.edu/engr/271



There are six assignments and two quizzes. Each assignment counts as 12% and each quiz counts as 14%of the total grade. Each group is allowed to turn in one assignment up to two days late. Twenty points per business day will be subtracted from additional assignments turned in late.


Test absences are excused only with a doctor's excuse, for a true emergency, or if given prior approval by instructor. There is no final exam.


If a grade is disputed, the problem must be submitted in writing with the returned quiz or assignment, no later than five days from the returned date. Cheating will not tolerated and will be reported to the proper authority.


Groups consist of two people and are formed by mutual consent. Both team members will receive the same grade and are equally responsible for returning the Boe-bot and all parts in good working condition.


The following schedule is tentative and may change.

Assigned Date Due Date Book & Experiments
5/30 -- Assign 1 6/06 A & D Exp. 1 -- Introduction to Analog & Digital
A & D Exp. 2 -- Binary Number System
6/06 -- Assign 2 6/13 A & D Exp. 3 -- Analog to Digital (A/D) Conversion
A & D Exp. 4 -- Digital to Analog (D/A) Conversion
6/13 -- Assign 3 6/20 A & D Exp. 7 -- D/A Conversion using PWM
A & D Exp. 8 -- A/D Conversion using RC-Time Constants
6/20 -- Assign 4 6/29 Earth Exp. 1 -- Temperature Transducer
Earth Exp. 4 -- Light Transducer
6/22 -- Quiz 1   A & D concepts
6/29 -- Assign 5 7/06 Earth Exp. 3 -- Temperature Probe
Earth Exp. 5 -- Measuring Conductance
7/4 -- Holiday    
7/06 -- Assign 6 7/14 Earth Exp. 2 -- Data Logging
Earth Exp. 6 -- Feedback Control
7/11 -- Quiz 2   Programming Skills