Engr 171 -- Summer 2000 -- Syllabus

The official source of all class related information is the Web documents referenced via the following URL:

Many class handouts and assignments will be distributed only through this medium.


Professors Dr. Dean Brock Dr. Tammy Gammon
Email: brock@cs.unca.edu tgammon@unca.edu
Phone 232-2275 251-6744
Office Robinson 220 Robinson 331
Office Hours    


ENGR 171 meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 PM to about 9:00 PM in Robinson 142. Most class meetings will start with a short instructor presentation. The remainder of the time students will work on their robotics experiments in small groups.



There are ten written assignments and two quizes. Each assignment counts 7% of the total grade and the two quizes count 15% each. Written assignments will be performed in groups as described below. Because the summer schdule is so tight, late assignments will not be accepted.


Assignments consist of the following components:

Each group is required perform some experimental exercises on their own and write a concise report about the exercises.
Each group may be required to demonstrate one experiment to the instructor and class. Otherwise, selected experiments must be observed by the evaluation group.


Experimental groups consist of two students formed by mutual consent.

Each experimental group is required to evaluate specific exercises completed by another experimental group. These evaluation groups will be determined by the instructors.

Each group may borrow a Boe-Bot kit, Robotics! Student Workbook Version 1.2, and Basic Stamp® Manual; Version 1.9 from the NC State Engineering Program at UNCA. In the event that these items are lost or damaged, the group is responsible for paying for these items. What's a Microcontroller? Student Guide, Version 1.5 may be downloaded from the Parallax web page (www.stampsinclass.com). In addition, each group will need to purchase a small number of parts from Radio Shack or electronics supplier. These items include a 555 Timer, a 100 kΩ potentiometer, and a 1 μf capacitor.


All Quizzes will be closed notes and books. Test absences are excused only with doctor's excuse, true emergency, or prior approval by instructor. There is no final exam.


The following schedule is tentative and may change.

Meeting Day Reading Assignment
or Quiz
30 May What's a Microcontroller?, Experiment 1
1 June What's a Microcontroller?, Experiment 2 Assignment 1
6 June What's a Microcontroller?, Experiment 3 Assignment 2
8 June What's a Microcontroller?, Experiment 4 Assignment 3
13 June What's a Microcontroller?, Experiment 5 Assignment 4
15 June What's a Microcontroller?, Experiment 6 Assignment 5
20 June Robotics! Exp. #1 Assignment 6
22 June Assignment 7
27 June Robotics! Exp. #2 Quiz 1
29 June Assignment 8
4 July Holiday
6 July Robotics! Exp. #3
11 July Assignment 9
13 July Robotics! Exp. #4 Quiz 2
18 July Assignment 10

Topical Outline