Networking II

Networking programming

The programming is heavily infleuced by the TCP specification and the Berkeley socket programming interface. The Python socket interface mimics the classic interface.

Look at a 2011 course page for more information.


There’s a server for the echo protocol running on port 7 on

Try to connect to it using telnet (yes, it still exists) and netcat (the network geek’s back-end) tool.

Client Python programming

Do it 0

Look at the Python class socket interface. Using Python interactively connect to the echo server. You’ll need to create the socket, connect to the echo server, send a message, read a message, and close the socket!

Do it 1

Once you get that working, create an executable Python script to echo using a remote computer. (Yep, it’s silly.)

Do it 2

Modify your program to send your input line in chunks. For example, send "Hello " and then five seconds later (use time.sleep()) send "World\r\n". Do you need two calls to recv or just one?

Do it 3

I generally use for make separate read and write files for the read and write ends of the socket. See another old class page for an example. Doing this allows you to use the Python file objects methods. This can be very useful for reading and writing the whole line using readline and writeline.

A server

Writing a server with the socket interface isn’t easy. Take a look at an an old example (which can only handle one client at a time).

Take a look at the SocketServer interface and try to create your own echo server.

For now don’t worry about handling multiple connections.