Type ALT-F4. Log into the computer. We are still working on the login problem. It's 1990 again! Do some commands: **> ls **> ls -l **> ls -lt **> ls -ltr **> pushd /home **> ls -l # [[ use uparrow key ]] **> ls -lt **> ls -ltr **> ls -ltr | more **> cd /home/brock **> ls -l # [[ use uparrow key ]] **> ls -lt **> ls -ltr | head -5 **> dirs **> popd **> pwd **> mkdir csci235 **> ls -l csci235 **> ls -ld csci235 **> chmod 666 **> ls -ld csci235 # ;; permissions have changed! **> chmod go-rwx csci235 **> ls -ld csci235 **> ls -ld csci235 # ;; permissions should be the same **> setfacl -m u:uncacsci:rx csci235 **> getfacl csci235 **> uname **> uname -r **> uname -a **> touch `uname` **> ls **> echo a b c d **> echo a b c d > alphabet **> cat alphabet **> touch hotpotato **> rm hotpotato **> hostname **> hostname -f **> logout **> ALT-F7 login with guest account