18 April, 2017

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Follow along with How Linux Works

Connect to How Linux Works and following along. Use your workstation and Pi and notebook.

Section 9.2 — Network Layer

You need to know the layers; but add the MAC layer.

What is the MAC layer address of your device? Use ifconfig.

Section 9.3 — Internet Layer

What is the MAC and network layer addresses of your device? Use the ifconfig and ip commands.

Everyone uses CIDR but evidently the Cisco exams still mention class A, B and C networks. Look at section 9.3.2 and think about using your CSCI 255 skills to determine if an IP host is on your LAN.

Section 9.4 — Routes

The main campus routers have routing tables with bazillions of entries.

Section 9.5 — Tools

Section 9.6 — Physical layer

Section 9.7 — Kernel networking

Section 9.8–9.11 — How the network is managed

With Ubuntu, it’s NetworkManager. With Raspbian, it’s dhcpcd. Both use wpa_supplicant to handle wireless connections.

Section 9.12 — Resolving hostnames

Simulate a FQDN to IP lookup using dig,but remember that your computer caches its host lookups.

Section 9.13 —

There’s no place like home.

Section 9.14 — Transport layer

You can start and accept connections from the command line.

Section 9.16 — DHCP

Look at the computer science DHCP configuration file.

Section 9.19 — Network Address Translation

Look at a login session to a home router.