Problem 9 -- grep matches two or more deed "deed.*deed" end with deed "deed$" i, o, and u at least once "i.*o.*u|i.*u.*o|o.*i.*u|o.*u.*i|u.*i.*o|u.*o.*i" exactly two e "^[^e]*e[^e]*e[^e]*$" There were also a few submissions involving Perl regular expressions PS: Technically, these Perl extensions really aren't regular PS: Backreferences aren't useful for these examples Problem 11 -- find file names ends in .s -type f -name "*.s" -print file name ends in .s and modified 1000 days ago -type f -mtime +1000 -name "*.s" -print file name ends in .c and file contains Stoplight -type f -name "*.c" -exec grep -q "Stoplight" {} \; -print Note in last one, it is the file and not the file name that contains Stoplight