Other Verilog stuff

Events in Verilog history

Before there were hardware description languages, designers used an informal notation called register transfer language or RTL. It has even been used in CSCI 255 / ECE 109 to specify the implementation of a very simple computer.

Here is a list of the Verilog standards. These are managed by Accellera System Initiative, which was formed from a merger of the Verilog, VHDL & SystemC specification groups.

Why is this so hard?

Testing your circuit by stepping through it manually or creating a stimulus waveform or running a stimulus control program or tcl isn’t enough. You need both an HDL (Hardware Description Language) for synthesizable code and HVL (Hardware Verification Language) for executable code such as SystemVerilog. Or you could use an HDL that can interface with “conventional” programming languages, like C++, using something like SystemVerilog DPI.

Also, where are some good, widely used, unit testing packages such as JUnit or CppUnit or QUnit?

Implementation styles in SystemVerilog

Structural implementation of a full adder

module fulladder(
   input logic An,    // A bit
   input logic Bn,    // B bit
   input logic Cn,    // carry-in bit
   output logic Cnp1, // carry-out bit
   output logic Sn) ; // sum bit

      logic tAB, tAC, tBC ;        // wires leaving the AND gates

      xor(Sn, An, Bn, Cn) ;
      and(tAB, An, Bn) ;
      and(tAC, An, Cn) ;
      and(tBC, Bn, Cn) ;
      or(Cnp1, tAB, tAB, tBC) ;


Structural implementation of a full adder with named gates

module fulladder(
   input logic An,    // A bit
   input logic Bn,    // B bit
   input logic Cn,    // carry-in bit
   output logic Cnp1, // carry-out bit
   output logic Sn) ; // sum bit

      logic tAB, tAC, tBC ;        // wires leaving the AND gates

      xor  sum(Sn, An, Bn, Cn) ;
      and  abTerm(tAB, An, Bn) ;
      and  acTerm(tAC, An, Cn) ;
      and  bdTerm(tBC, Bn, Cn) ;
      or   carry(Cnp1, tAB, tAC, tBC) ;


Behavioral implementation of a full adder

module fulladder(
   input logic An,    // A bit
   input logic Bn,    // B bit
   input logic Cn,    // carry-in bit
   output logic Cnp1, // carry-out bit
   output logic Sn) ; // sum bit

      assign Sn = An ^ Bn ^ Cn ;
      assign Cnp1 = An & Bn | An & Cn | Bn & Cn ;


Behavioral implementation of a full adder using addition with vector

module fulladder(
   input logic An,    // A bit
   input logic Bn,    // B bit
   input logic Cn,    // carry-in bit
   output logic Cnp1, // carry-out bit
   output logic Sn) ; // sum bit

     logic[1:0] sum2bit ;
     assign sum2bit = An + Bn + Cn ;
     assign Sn = sum2bit[0] ;
     assign Cnp1 = sum2bit[1] ;


Behavioral implementation of a full adder using addition with {}

module fulladder(
   input logic An,    // A bit
   input logic Bn,    // B bit
   input logic Cn,    // carry-in bit
   output logic Cnp1, // carry-out bit
   output logic Sn) ; // sum bit

     logic {Cnp1, Sn} = An + Bn + Cn ;


Behavioral implementation of a full adder tattoo

This tattoo is mentioned in a Discover blog.
full adder tattoo
The program is taken from the textbook.

// 4.7: fulladder

module fulladder(input  logic a, b, cin, 
                 output logic s, cout);

  logic p, g;

  assign p = a ^ b;
  assign g = a & b;
  assign s = p ^ cin;
  assign cout = g | (p & cin);

Other HDL programs

SystemC implementation

You can see the C++ (in)heritage in this example.

VHDL implementation

You can see the Ada heritage in this example.

MyHDL implementation

You can really see the Python.