Problem 3: SELECT FROM Highschooler H WHERE grade = 10 ORDER BY ; Problem 4: SELECT H.grade, COUNT(*) FROM Highschooler H WHERE = 'Alison' GROUP BY H.grade ORDER BY H.grade ; Problem 5: SELECT, COUNT(*) FROM Highschooler H, Highschooler Hother, Friend F WHERE H.ID = F.ID1 and Hother.ID = F.ID2 and H.grade = Hother.grade GROUP BY H.ID ORDER BY ; Problem 6: SELECT FROM Highschooler H, Highschooler Hfriend, Friend F WHERE H.ID = F.ID1 AND Hfriend.ID = F.ID2 AND H.grade <> Hfriend.grade GROUP BY H.ID HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 ORDER BY ; or SELECT DISTINCT( FROM Highschooler H, Highschooler Hx, Highschooler Hy, Friend Fx, Friend Fy WHERE H.ID = Fx.ID1 AND Hx.ID = Fx.ID2 AND H.ID = Fy.ID1 AND Hy.ID = Fy.ID2 AND H.grade <> Hx.grade AND H.grade <> Hy.grade AND Hx.ID < Hy.ID ORDER BY ; Problem 7: Francis English Condor Smith LaVere Andrews Patricia Andrews Tom Smothers Alexander Bell Maxene Andrews Dick Smothers It is also possible to give the groups names. (Kids like group names.) Problem 8: CREATE TABLE FieldTrip( Teacher TEXT, Chaperon TEXT, Student TEXT, ContactNumber INT) ; and groups, if you wish... Problem 9: The UML contains classes of objects, not the objects themselves ----------- 1.1 1.* ------------ 1.1 2.4 ----------- | Teacher +---------------+ Chaperon +--------------+ Student + ----------- ------------ ----------- The Teacher, Chaperon, and Student box should all contains name attribute. The Student box should also contain contact number. With Group there 1.1 cardinality in both ways between Chaperon and Group. Problem 10: Functional dependencies, means if you know one, you know the other Student --> Teacher, Chaperon, ContactNumber Chaperon --> Teacher Adding Groups makes it a bit more complicated Student --> Teacher, Group, Chaperon, ContactNumber Chaperon --> Teacher, Group Group --> Teacher, Chaperon We are assuming that two students may have the same contact number. Problem 11: The main thing to avoid is the Student --> Chaperon --> Teacher transitive relation. The classic breakdown would give Table TC with attributes: Teacher, Chaperon Table CS with attributes: Chaperon, Student, ContactNumber This breakdown, seems more natural Table TS with attributes: Teacher, Student, ContactNumber Table CS with attributes: Chaperon, Student With groups, you need to be more careful because of the mutual functional dependency of Group and Chaperon, Group --> Chaperon and Chaperon --> Group. ID numbers are a good idea, but a table with columns such as Teacher TeacherID Student .... can be a little problematic with our rule that the name uniquely identifies the person.