Other Verilog stuff

Events in Verilog history

Before there were hardware description languages, designers used an informal notation called register transfer language or RTL. It has even been used in CSCI 255 to specify the implementation of a very simple computer.

Here is a list of the Verilog standard. These are managed by Accellera System Initiative, which was formed from a merge of the Verilog, VHDL & SystemC specification groups.

Plan Verilog

The old-style flipflops and latches

These examples are taken from the first edition of the textbook.

module flop(input            clk, 
            input      [3:0] d, 
            output reg [3:0] q);
  always @(posedge clk)
    q <= d;
module latch(input            clk, 
             input      [3:0] d, 
             output reg [3:0] q);
  always @(clk, d)
    if (clk) q <= d;

wire and net

In regular Verilog, you may encounter the reg or wire declaration. Confusing the two leads to much anguish and many Google searches. In theory, a wire is connection path or net and a reg is something else, perhaps even a register. However, take a look at Verilog: wire vs reg for no less than sixteen rules of how Verilog distinguishes the two.

SystemVerilog has a logic declaration which can (almost always) be used in place of either wire or reg. It seems to be a good move.

Verilog Modules, parameters & arguments

SystemVerilog modules look a bit like Java methods and C/C++ functions, but there are some significant differences.

First, the module definition is not surrounded by braces. Instead the keyword module or macromodule begins the module definition and the keyword endmodule ends the definition.

Second, a macromodule is similar to an inline functions of C++ or to the just-in-time compiler optimizations made for Java HotSpot virtual machine. The statements of the macromodule may be expanded in the body of the caller. The macromodule is very rare.

Third, SystemVerilog uses the keyword parameter to configure modules using something similar to a run-time constant. Start with this example from your textbook.

module flop(input  logic       clk, 
            input  logic [3:0] d, 
            output logic [3:0] q);

  always_ff @(posedge clk)
    q <= d;

This module only works with four-bit words. However, by using parameter inside flop, the example can be made to work with words of any size.

module flop  #(parameter type regtype = logic [3:0])
              (input  logic     clk, 
               input  regtype   d, 
               output regtype   q);

  always_ff @(posedge clk)
    q <= d;

This is beginning to look like parameterized types in Java. We probably won’t do this in class; but, in case you are wondering, here is how you instantiate one of these parameterized modules.

    flop #(.regtype(logic [15:0]))  ff1( sysclk, statein, stateout) ;

Fourth, the real parameters of the module may be specified in two different styles. The difference between the two is similar to the difference between “old-style” C and ANSI C parameter declarations, but even more dated.

Here’s a repeat of the style used in the textbook.

module flop(input  logic       clk, 
            input  logic [3:0] d, 
            output logic [3:0] q);

And here’s another way to list the parameters. The odd thing is that the parameters are declared in the same place as local variables.

module flop(clk, d, q) ;
   input  logic       clk ; 
   input  logic [3:0] d ;
   output logic [3:0] q ;

Fifth, as seen above, SystemVerilog does have output and inout parameters. Also, modules do not return values like they do in C, C++, Java and Python. They store their results into output or even inout parameters.

Sixth, SystemVerilog does allow the passing of arguments by names, rather than position. This practice is appearing in other programming languages, particularly Python. Here is an example of how the flop module could be instantiated using named arguments.

    flop #(.regtype(logic [15:0])) ff1(.clk(sysclock), .q(stateout), .d(statein)) ;