Quick look at legal Java expressions

In general, each class of expression also includes those below it.

Primary literals, this, parenthesized expressions
Class instance creation new Type(...)
Array creation new Type[...]
Field access object.field, System.out left associative
Method invocation object.method(...), Math.sin(...) left associative
Array access arrObj[...] left associative
Postfix identifiers & postfix ++, -- left associative
Unary prefix +, -, ++, -- right associative
Cast (type)expr right associative
Multiplicative *, /, % left associative
Additive +, - left associative
Shift <<, >>, >>> left associative
Relational <, >, <=, >=, instanceof left associative
Equality ==, != left associative
And, Exclusive or, Inclusive or in order of precedence &, ^, | left associative
Conditional And && left associative
Conditional Or || left associative
Conditional ? : right associative
Assignment =, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, >>>==, &=, ^=, |= right associative

Compare this presentation with that of Java 5 & 6 Reference Card.