Middle exam rubric

Problem 1

Initialize Deque<String>2
For loop control3

Problem 2 — 1.3 points each part

Appropriate instance or class0.7
Method name0.2
Argument 10.2
Argument 20.2

Problem 3 — 2/3 point each stack

       3       2   2
   5   5   5   5   5   5

Problem 4

Insertion and selection sort are 1.5 points each. When half-way through a insertion sort, the elements in the bottom half should be sorted and the elements in the top half should be unchanged. When half-way through a selection sort, the bottom half should contain all the smallest elements correctly sorted.

Quicksort is 1 point. The elements will be partioned by the pivot.

Grading will be a little subjective. Here are some plausible arrangments.

  insertion      181   255   344   431   107   446   331   182
  selection      107   181   182   255   344   446   331   431
  quicksort      182   181   255   107   331   446   431   344

Problem 5 — 1 point each part


Problem 6

There are 23 tokens. All count equally in dividing the 3 points.

There are 14 subexpressions. All count equally in dividing the 3 points.

x + y * ( z + 5 ) > 13 && a <= 0
x + y * ( z + 5 ) > 13
x + y * ( z + 5 )
    y * ( z + 5 )
        ( z + 5 )
          z + 5
                          a <= 0
  • "CAT"
  • 3.5
  • "CAT" + 3.5
  • x
  • (int) x
  • "CAT" + 3.5 + (int) x
  • Problem 7

    1 point for each of the first five, 1.5 points for each of the next two, 2 points for the last one.

    Problem 8

    return 01
    return recursive call3

    Problem 9

    counter — initailize and increment 2
    k — initailize and double 2
    loop termination2

    Problem 10

    Like 8, if recursive.

    def logOf2(n):
        if (n <= 1):
            return 0
            return 1 + logOf2(n/2)

    Problem 11

    public class ComparableDie
    extends Die
    implements Comparable<Die>
    public int compareTo(Die d) 2
    retrun getValue() - d.getValue 2

    Problem 12

    In parts A to H, points generally distributed over the number of significant syntax items in the subproblem.

    Problem 12I

    Testing if size is even 1
    Computing median if even size 2
    Computing median if odd size 1

    In the even case, if sum is divided by 2 rather that 2.0, 0.4 points are deducted. If the indexes used to access the array elements are one too high (cNumbers[cNumbers.length/2+1] rather than cNumbers[cNumbers.length/2]), 0.3 points is deducted each time. If cNumbers.length() is used rather than cNumbers.length, 0.3 points is deducted.

    Problem 12J

    One point for the various significant actions.