Python meets CGI

JavaScript: Elements of Programming

Useful python documents

Types of JavaScript

Arrays and functions are considered to be objects.

Values returned by typeof

Getting started

Simple HTML for JavaScript

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>Program X</title>
<h1>Program X</h1>
<script src="programX.js">

Simple JavaScript

document.writeln('Program X') ;

Simple interaction


All the hard stuff

An illustration of an anonymous and inner function that requires a closure.

function curryadd(m) {
    return function(n) { return m + n ; } ;

Normal factorial

function fact(n) {
    if (!n) {
	return 1 ;
    } else {
	return n*fact(n-1) ;

An oddly non-recursive factorial

// Example from
function facMaker(fn) {
    return function(n) {
        return n == 0 ? 1 : n * fn(fn)(n - 1);

document.writeln(facMaker(facMaker)(10)) ;

An even odder non-recursive factorial

function Y(dn) {
    return function(fn) {
        return fn(fn);
    }(function(fn) {
	    return dn(function(x) {
		    return fn(fn)(x);

function fac4Y(fn) {
    return function(n) {
	return n == 0 ? 1 : n * fn(n - 1);
} ;

document.writeln(Y(fac4Y)(10)) ;