CSCI 379 SketchUp as a programmer

SketchUp is not a programming language, but there are some things that are done in programming that can be mimiced in SketchUp.

First, try to make objects with exact sizes. For example, remember the monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The dimensions of the monolith were exactly 1:4:9 (1 by 4 by 9). Create a couple of monoliths that are exactly this ratio by entering units to SketchUp.

Second, make some copies of your monolith and spread them across the landscape. The monoliths appear in many places in the movie. You can have them orbit a planet or inspire apes.

Third, you could try to personalize some of your monoliths with paint or texture.

Next, try to arrange some monoliths in a circle to remember the posts (vertical stones) of Stonehenge.

Make a Stonehenge-like trilithon. You could use your monoliths as the posts, but you'll probably want to create a new box for the lintels (horizontal stones).

Make your trilithon into a SketchUp component. Now that it is a component, place several trilithons onto a landscape or a living room.

Experiment with editing your trilithon component.