Punctuation Links



Computer programmers love punctuation marks. The C and Java programming languages have special meaning for almost every special character on the keyboard. The only excepts are `, @, $ and _, though _ is often treated as a letter.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * A program example from CSCI 255
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int count, num ;
    puts("Enter a number") ;
    scanf("%d", &num) ;
    count = 0 ;
    while (num != 1) {
        printf("%8d\n", num) ;
        if (num%2==0) {
            num = num/2 ;
        } else {
            num = 3*num + 1 ;
        ++count ;
    printf("%8d\n\n", num) ;
    printf("iterations: %d\n", count) ;
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

The links

  1. Wikipedia article with history of punctuation
  2. Purdue OWL guide to Punctuation
  3. Grammar Girl on punctuation
  4. Testing your comma IQ
  5. Lynne Truss of Eats, Shoots, & Leaves
  6. Programming with lots of funny characters
  7. "unnecessary" quotation marks
  8. YouTube punctuation
  9. Oxford comman