Interactive Applications

Nowadays, most programs aren't designed to be text only, they have a Graphical User Interface (GUI). While most people take this for granted, creating a GUI is not such a simple task. The design of the program is much more difficult because you no longer control the order in which things occur, the User does.

A Simple Alarm
To Get Started ...

We are going to walk you through creating a simple program using Netbean's GUI designer. So, start Netbeans, create a new project called Alarm, mount a new directory called Alarm, and then create a new file of type Java GUI Forms -> JFrame Form. Give this file the name Alarm and then click finish. The GUI designer should now be displayed on the screen with a blank form visible (Note: you may have to resize some panels in order to see it, ask your lab instructor for help).


The basic idea of the GUI Editor is that you start with a blank form, add components to it, and then add code to the components. The components toolbar is located at the top of the Form Editor window and has tabs like Swing, Swing (Other), AWT, etc. Right below the components toolbar is a collection of icons you can use to add specific Java elements to your application.


On the right side of the window is an explorer which lists all the components you have added in a tree format.


Beneath this is a properties screen which always shows the properties for the currently selected component.


Your Assignment ...

Follow these steps to create a simple alarm program

  1. Click on the blank form to select it. Now in the properties section, enter My First GUI Program for the title property

  2. You are going to place components into the screen by selecting icons from either the Swing or Layouts tab. If you are successful, you should see the following items in your components window when you are done.
    Right now, your components window should end in an item called JFrame. In the next few steps of these lab, you will add components one at a time. Frequently check your components windows against this list to make sure you are on track. If you put down an incorrect component, just right-click on it and then delete it.
  3. Click the Layouts tab in the components bar at the top of the window
  4. Slowly move your mouse across the icons within the Layouts panel. A small box should appear giving the name of each of the layouts. Click on the FlowLayout Button and then click your form. Layouts are the way Java programs organize components on the screen.
  5. Click the Swing tab in the components bar at the top of the window. Again, move your mouse slowly across the buttons. These buttons correspond to the Java components that can be placed within a frame.
    Swing panel
  6. Click the JLabel Button and then click your form, this will add a label component to your form.
  7. Click on the new Label component to select it. Next, in the properties window enter Message: for the text property

  8. Click the JTextArea Button in the components bar and then click your form, this will add a Text Area to your form
  9. Click the new Text Area, now in the properties window enter: 30 for Columns, 5 for rows, true for LineWrap, true for wrapStyleWord, and clear out (delete) text

  10. Click the JLabel Button and then click your form
  11. Click on the new Label component to select it, now in the properties window enter Wait Seconds: for the text property
  12. Click the JTextField Button in the components bar and then click your form, this will add a Text Field to your form
  13. Click the new Text Field, now in the properties window enter: 10 for Columns and clear out (delete) text
  14. Click the JButton Button in the components bar and then click your form, this will add a Button to your form
  15. Click the new Button, now in the properties window enter Start for the text property

  16. Double click the Start button on your form, this will bring up the code editor. Now that all the necessary components have been added to the form, we will add some code
  17. Copy the following code and paste it into the method called jButton1ActionPerformed:
            try {
                Thread.sleep(new Integer(jTextField1.getText()).intValue() * 1000);
            } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
                System.out.println("Countdown Interrupted");

  18. This code will run when you click the button. It basically says to hide the main form, wait a certain amount of time, and then display it again. Compile and run this program. By the way, if you don't put a value into the Wait Seconds field, the program will crash horribly.

That's all! Now you have a simple application which you can run on almost any computer in the world. Notice how little code it takes to create applications this way.

Instructor Checkoff ...

Show your lab instructor your new program.
