Spring 2003 ENGR 212 / ECE 212 E-Homework Assignments

E-Homework 1

Do the task described in the Spring 2003 ENGR/ECE 212 E-homework 1 assignment.

E-Homework 2

Due Tuesday May 13.

There is a choice here.

Your first option is to do the task described in the original Spring 2003 ENGR/ECE 212 E-homework 2. This involves the construction of a circuit using MSI components on a bread board.

The second option is to implement the 2-bit ripple carry adder as described in NCSU's Elecronic Homework Assignment on a break board.

The third option is to implement the 2-bit ripple carry adder as described in NCSU's Elecronic Homework Assignment in VHDL Here's a VHDL example that might be of some use in this task. This example compares the number of bits that are "on" in two two-bit words. The POPULATION function used here is based on Wakerly's CONV_INTEGER function. You want to use CONV_INTEGER.

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;

entity POP2BIT is
  port (
    A  : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1);
    B  : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 1);
    GT : out STD_LOGIC;
    LT : out STD_LOGIC
  ) ;

end POP2BIT ;

architecture POP2BIT_arch_jdb of POP2BIT is

    variable RESULT : INTEGER ;
      RESULT := 0 ;
      for i in X'range loop
        case X(i) is
          when '1' | 'H' => RESULT := RESULT + 1;
          when others => null;
        end case;
      end loop;  -- i
      return RESULT;
    end POPULATION ;

begin  -- POP2BIT_arch_jdb

        else '0' ;
        else '0' ;

end POP2BIT_arch_jdb;

I suggest you use the free VHDL Simili program of Symphony EDA to solve this problem. The free version can easily handle a problem of this size. It's only serious limitation is that it doesn't support debugging. VHDL Simili can be downloaded from Symphony EDA's web site

Here is a copy of a VHDL testbench problem that can be used to test your solution to E-Homework 2.

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;

entity EHOME2_tb is
    generic (whocares : boolean := true) ;
end EHOME2_tb ;
architecture TESTBENCH of EHOME2_tb IS
  component EHOME2 IS
    port (
      X    : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 1);
      Y    : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 1);
      Cin  : in  STD_LOGIC ;
      S    : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 1) ;
      Cout : out STD_LOGIC
    ) ;
  end component ;

  constant period : time := 200 ns ;

  signal TestX    : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 1) ;
  signal TestY    : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 1) ;
  signal TestCin  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 1) ;
  signal TestS    : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 1) ;
  signal TestCout : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 1) ;
  function CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ARG: integer; SIZE: integer)
                     return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR is
    variable result: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZE downto 1) ;
    variable temp: integer ;
    temp := ARG ;
    for i in 1 to SIZE loop
      if (temp mod 2) = 1 then
        result(i) := '1' ;
        result(i) := '0' ;
      end if ;
      temp := temp / 2 ;
    end loop ;
    return result ;
  end ; 

begin  -- TESTBENCH
  TestMod: EHOME2
    port map (
      X    => TestX ,
      Y    => TestY ,
      Cin  => TestCin(1) ,
      S    => TestS ,
      Cout => TestCout(1)
    ) ;

   TestLoop: process
     while (true) loop
       for i in 0 to 3 loop
       	 TestX <= CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(i, 2) ;
         for j in 0 to 3 loop
           TestY <= CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(j, 2) ;
           for k in 0 to 1 loop
             TestCin <= CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(k, 1) ;
	     wait for period ;
	   end loop ;
         end loop ;
       end loop ;
     end loop ;
   end process ;


Although I have used functions to convert between VHDL STD_LOGIC_VECTORs and integers, you may find it easier just to use ordinary Boolean logic operators in your solution

E-Homework 3

Due Tuesday May 13.

Do Raleigh's Electronic Homework 3 in ABEL or VHDL.

Here are two examples of ABEL programs that solve Problem 2B of Homework 6.

The first example uses ABEL's state machine description construct, state_diagram.

" Implementation of problem using a state diagram
module HM6P2Bx
Title 'ENGR 212 Homework 6 Problem 2B'

Clock PIN ;
Reset PIN ;
x1    PIN ;
x2    PIN ;
z1    PIN istype 'COM' ;
z2    PIN istype 'COM' ;
Q1, Q2 PIN istype 'reg' ;

SREG = [Q1, Q2] ;
" You could choose anything you want here
A = [0,0]; 
B = [1,0]; 
C = [1,1];
D = [0,1];

  [Q1,Q2].AR  = Reset;
  [Q1,Q2].CLK = Clock;

state_diagram SREG

  state A:
    z1 = 0 ;
    z2 = 1 ;
    if (!x2) then A
    else if x1 then B
    else C ;

  state B:
    z1 = 0 ;
    z2 = 1 ;
    if x2 then C
    else if x1 then B
    else A ;

  state C:
    z1 = 1 ;
    z2 = 0 ;
    if x2 then C
    else if !x1 # (x1 & x2) then D
    else C ;

  state D:
    z1 = 1 ;
    z2 = 0 ;
    if x2 then B
    else A ;

end HM6P2Bx

The second example uses ABEL's registered assignment operator ":=" to set the new state for state variables Q2 and Q1.

" Implementation of problem using next state equations
module HM6P2Bz
Title 'ENGR 212 Homework 6 Problem 2B'

Clock PIN ;
Reset PIN ;
x1    PIN ;
x2    PIN ;
z1    PIN istype 'COM' ;
z2    PIN istype 'COM' ;
Q1, Q2 PIN istype 'reg' ;

SREG = [Q1, Q2] ;
A = [0,0]; 
B = [1,0]; 
C = [1,1];
D = [0,1];

  [Q1,Q2].AR  = Reset;
  [Q1,Q2].CLK = Clock;

  Q1 := (!Q1 & x2) # (!Q2 &  x2) # (Q1 & x1 & !x2) ;
  Q2 := (Q1 & Q2) # (Q1 & x2) # (!Q2 & !x1 & !x2) ;
  z1 = Q2 ;
  z2 = !Q1 & !Q2 ;

end HM6P2Bz

For those who prefer VHDL, here is a program that solves a recent exam problem. Its output value obeys the unusual clocking requirements of the NC State assignment.

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;

entity EXAM3PROB4 is
  port (
        Reset:  in  STD_LOGIC;
        Clock:  in  STD_LOGIC;
        SerIn:  in  STD_LOGIC;
        SerOut: out STD_LOGIC
end EXAM3PROB4 ;

architecture EXAM3PROB4_arch_jdb of EXAM3PROB4 is

  type state_type is (A, B, C) ;
  signal e3p4state : state_type := A ;


  state_machine: process(Clock, Reset)
    if Reset = '1' then
      e3p4state <= A ;
    elsif Clock'event and Clock = '1' then
      case e3p4state is
        when A =>
          SerOut <= '0' ;
          if SerIn = '0' then
            e3p4state <= A ;
            e3p4state <= B ;
          end if ;
        when B =>
          SerOut <= '0' ;
          e3p4state <= C ;
        when C =>
          SerOut <= '1' ;
          if SerIn = '0' then
            e3p4state <= A ;
            e3p4state <= B ;
          end if ;
      end case ;
    end if ; 

  end process ;
end EXAM3PROB4_arch_jdb ;

Finally, here's a very long VHDL program for testing your solution.

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;

entity EHOME3_tb is
    generic (whocares : boolean := true) ;
end EHOME3_tb ;
architecture TESTBENCH of EHOME3_tb is
  component EHOME3 is
    port (
        Reset:  in  STD_LOGIC;
        Clock:  in  STD_LOGIC;
        SerIn:  in  STD_LOGIC;
        SerOut: out STD_LOGIC
  end component ; 

  constant period : time := 200 ns ;
  signal TestReset  : STD_LOGIC ;
  signal TestClock  : STD_LOGIC ;
  signal TestSerIn  : STD_LOGIC ;
  signal TestSerOut : STD_LOGIC ;
begin -- TESTBENCH
  TestMod: EHOME3
    port map (
      Reset  => TestReset ,
      Clock  => TestClock ,
      SerIn  => TestSerIn ,
      SerOut => TestSerOut
    ) ;
  TestDrive: process
    TestReset <= '0' ;
    while true loop
      for i in 0 to 10 loop
        for j in 0 to 3 loop
          wait for period/2 ;
          TestClock <= '0' ;
          wait for period/4 ;
          TestSerIn <= '0' ;
          wait for period/4 ;
          TestClock <= '1' ;
        end loop ;
        for j in 0 to 3 loop
          wait for period/2 ;
          TestClock <= '0' ;
          wait for period/4 ;
          TestSerIn <= '1' ;
          wait for period/4 ;
          TestClock <= '1' ;
        end loop ;
      end loop ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestReset <= '1' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestClock <= '0' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestSerIn <= '0' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestClock <= '1' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestReset <= '0' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestClock <= '0' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestSerIn <= '0' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestClock <= '1' ;
      for i in 0 to 7 loop
        for j in 0 to 5 loop
          wait for period/2 ;
          TestClock <= '0' ;
          wait for period/4 ;
          TestSerIn <= '0' ;
          wait for period/4 ;
          TestClock <= '1' ;
        end loop ;
        for j in 0 to 3 loop
          wait for period/2 ;
          TestClock <= '0' ;
          wait for period/4 ;
          TestSerIn <= '1' ;
          wait for period/4 ;
          TestClock <= '1' ;
        end loop ;
      end loop ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestReset <= '1' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestClock <= '0' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestSerIn <= '0' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestClock <= '1' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestReset <= '0' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestClock <= '0' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestSerIn <= '0' ;
      wait for period/4 ;
      TestClock <= '1' ;
    end loop ;
  end process ;