CSCI 201 Lab 12 -- Arrays

We'll use Java arrays in this lab.

Getting ready

In this lab you'll complete two different Java projects. We'll package them in two different jar files. Download both, ArrayOp.jar and ArrayMod.jar and save them into the directory csci/201.

To extract the projects, type the following commands:

cd csci/201
jar xfv ArrayOp.jar
jar xfv ArrayMod.jar

Operating on Arrays

Open the jGRASP project file stored in Lab12/ArrayOp/ArrayOp.gpj. Then compile and run the application class ArrayOp. Now take a look at the internal class MyClass1 of ArrayOp.

private static class MyClass1 implements SpecArrayOp
  public int TestFunc(int[] V) {
    int N = V.length ;
    return V[N/2] ;

This class implements a interface, just like those classes you wrotes for Lab 11. As you see, MyClass1 consists of just one method TestFunc and TestFunc has a single parameter, V, an array of integers. TestFunc's purpose is to return an integer value. Right now, it returns the middle element of the array that it receives as input. (Can you see why?)

The ArrayOp class works as follows. Its main method calls the TestArrayOperation method of TestArrayOp with a single variable, a class which implements SpecArrayOp. TestArrayOperation creates a array, passes it to the TestFunc method of its interface and then prints the result.

Your Task

You are to modify the main method of ArrayOp so that it tests six different classes. These six classes have a TestFunc methods which implements the six array operations shown below.

Class Name TestFunc Return Value
MyClass1 Adds all elements of the array and returns the total
MyClass2 Returns the largest element of the array
MyClass3 Returns the smallest element of the array
MyClass4 Adds all the even elements of the array and returns the total
MyClass5 Returns an integer average of all elements in the array
MyClass6 Adds the smallest and largest elements of the array and returns their sum

Array operation check-off

When you are done, show your lab instructor the output of your program.

Modifying Arrays

Now open, compile, and run the ArrayMod project. You should notice some fairly strong similarities between the ArrayOp and ArrayMod classes.

ArrayMod has six internal classes which are supposed to modify the elements of an array. Your job is to complete those six internal classes. This table gives the details of your assigned tasks.

Class Name Operation performed in TestFunc
MyClass1 Adds one to each element of the array
MyClass2 Multiplies each element by three
MyClass3 Sets all array elements to zero
MyClass4 Sets the i'th array element to i
MyClass5 Reverses the array, that is, switches the first and last elements, etc.
MyClass6 Relaxes the array, that is, sets each element to the average of its two surrounding neighbors, except for the first and last elements which are left unchanged.

If the last Java class stresses you, ask your lab instructor about relaxation.

Array Modification check-off

Again, when you are done, show your lab instructor the output of your program.