module FSM03 Title '110 recognizer' Declarations Clock PIN; Reset PIN; SerIn PIN; SerOut PIN istype 'com'; Q0, Q1 PIN istype 'reg'; Equations Q0.CLK = Clock ; Q1.CLK = Clock ; Q0.AR = Reset ; Q1.AR = Reset ; Q0 := Q1 & SerIn # Q0 & SerIn ; Q1 := !Q0 & !Q1 & SerIn ; SerOut = Q0 & !SerIn ; end FSM03 module FSM04 Title '110 recognizer' Declarations Clock PIN; Reset PIN; SerIn PIN; SerOut PIN istype 'com'; Q1, Q0 PIN istype 'reg'; state_diagram [Q1, Q0] state [0, 0]: IF !SerIn THEN [0, 0] WITH SerOut = 0 ELSE [0, 1] WITH SerOut = 0 state [0, 1]: IF !SerIn THEN [0, 0] WITH SerOut = 0 ELSE [1, 0] WITH SerOut = 0 state [1, 0]: IF !SerIn THEN [0, 0] WITH SerOut = 1 ELSE [1, 0] WITH SerOut = 0 Equations Q1.CLK = Clock ; Q0.CLK = Clock ; Q1.AR = Reset ; Q0.AR = Reset ; end FSM04 module FSM05 Title '110 recognizer' Declarations Clock PIN; Reset PIN; SerIn PIN; SerOut PIN istype 'com'; Q1, Q0 PIN istype 'reg'; Equations Q1.CLK = Clock ; Q0.CLK = Clock ; Q1.AR = Reset ; Q0.AR = Reset ; TRUTH_TABLE ([Q1, Q0, SerIn] :> [Q1, Q0] -> SerOut) [0,0,0] :> [0,0] -> 0 ; [0,0,1] :> [0,1] -> 0 ; [0,1,0] :> [0,0] -> 0 ; [0,1,1] :> [1,0] -> 0 ; [1,0,0] :> [0,0] -> 1 ; [1,0,1] :> [1,0] -> 0 ; end FSM05 -- -- File: D:\FNDTN\ACTIVE\PROJECTS\TRY00\FSM00.vhd -- created: 03/31/02 23:16:52 -- from: 'D:\FNDTN\ACTIVE\PROJECTS\TRY00\FSM00.asf' -- by fsm2hdl - version: -- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.attributes.all; entity fsm00 is port (CLK: in STD_LOGIC; RST: in STD_LOGIC; SerIn: in STD_LOGIC; SerOut: out STD_LOGIC); end; architecture fsm00_arch of fsm00 is -- SYMBOLIC ENCODED state machine: Sreg0 type Sreg0_type is (Start, X1, X11); signal Sreg0: Sreg0_type; begin --concurrent signal assignments Sreg0_machine: process (CLK, rst) begin if RST then Sreg0 <= Start; elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then case Sreg0 is when Start => if SerIn = '0' then Sreg0 <= Start; elsif SerIn = '1' then Sreg0 <= X1; end if; when X1 => if SerIn = '1' then Sreg0 <= X11; elsif SerIn = '0' then Sreg0 <= Start; end if; when X11 => if SerIn = '0' then Sreg0 <= Start; elsif SerIn = '1' then Sreg0 <= X11; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; end process; -- signal assignment statements for combinatorial outputs SerOut_assignment: SerOut <= '0' when (Sreg0 = Start and SerIn = '0') else 0 when (Sreg0 = Start and SerIn = '1') else '0' when (Sreg0 = X1 and SerIn = '1') else '0' when (Sreg0 = X1 and SerIn = '0') else '1' when (Sreg0 = X11 and SerIn = '0') else '0' when (Sreg0 = X11 and SerIn = '1') else '0'; end fsm00_arch;