Spring 2001 CSCI 255 Homework 6 Solution

Translate the LC/2 assembly program given in problem 7.9 (page 153) of the textbook to binary.

One sure way to solve the problem is to type it into the computer and run it through the LC-2 assembler. The output of the assemble is shown below:

(0000) 3000  0011000000000000 (   1)                 .ORIG x3000
(3000) 5B60  0101101101100000 (   2)                 AND   R5 R5 #0
(3001) 56E0  0101011011100000 (   3)                 AND   R3 R3 #0
(3002) 16E8  0001011011101000 (   4)                 ADD   R3 R3 #8
(3003) A211  1010001000010001 (   5)                 LDI   R1 A
(3004) 1460  0001010001100000 (   6)                 ADD   R2 R1 #0
(3005) 1482  0001010010000010 (   7) AG              ADD   R2 R2 R2
(3006) 16FF  0001011011111111 (   8)                 ADD   R3 R3 #-1
(3007) 0A05  0000101000000101 (   9)                 BRNP  AG
(3008) 2810  0010100000010000 (  10)                 LD    R4 B
(3009) 5244  0101001001000100 (  11)                 AND   R1 R1 R4
(300A) 927F  1001001001111111 (  12)                 NOT   R1 R1
(300B) 1261  0001001001100001 (  13)                 ADD   R1 R1 #1
(300C) 1481  0001010010000001 (  14)                 ADD   R2 R2 R1
(300D) 0A0F  0000101000001111 (  15)                 BRNP  NO
(300E) 1B61  0001101101100001 (  16)                 ADD   R5 R5 #1
(300F) F025  1111000000100101 (  17) NO              TRAP  x25
(3010) FF00  1111111100000000 (  18) B               .FILL xFF00
(3011) 4000  0100000000000000 (  19) A               .FILL x4000