MSI Modules

Again, you can do this lab in groups of two or three. We're interrupting our "Circuits in SSI" series to take a look at some of the modules described in chapters 5 and 7 of the textbook. This lab is a bit of an extension of Homework 1 and the beginning of Homework 2.

Getting ready

Download our ZIPed copy of diglog and a ZIPed copy of a diglog input file and install it into

The problem

In this lab we're going to begin to implement the Syracuse problem described in Homework 1 using 4-bit adder, 4-bit multiplexers, and 4-bit register. First, of all, remember the Syracuse function:

long nextnum(long x) {
  if (x % 2 == 1)
    x = 3*x + 1 ;
    x = x/2 ;
  return(x) ;

Practicing with the circuits

Start up diglog and load in the file lab7play.lgf. Note that this circuit uses the following three "Digital TTL gates".

This four-bit adder receives two sets of four-bit numbers on its left side and produces a four-bit sum on its right side. It also reads a carry input on its top and produces a carry output at the lower end of its left side. The least significant bits are at the top.
This quad 2-line to 1-line selector receives two sets of four-bit numbers on its left side and selects one of these sets to transfer to its right side. It also has two inputs on its bottom. The left bottom input is a strobe and should always be tied to ground in this lab. The right bottom input is the selector input. It determines which set of four should be transfer. If the selector input is clear (0), the top set is selected. If the selector is set (1), the bottom set is selected.
This register can store four bits. It loads four bits on the left and produces the four remembered bits on the left. The top input to the register is an asynchronous clear. In this lab, this input should always be set. The bottom input should be tied to a clock signal. Inputs are only latched on the rising edge of a clock signal.

sample diglog file for lab 7

Your first task is to "play" with these circuits and to demonstrate to the instructor that you understand how to control them. Before calling the lab instructor, you must:

  1. set the sum generated by the 7483 to hexadecimal F and set the carry output bit to high;
  2. set the output of the 74157 to 9; and
  3. set the output of the 74175 to 9.

Building the circuit -- phase 1

Create a new circuit containing one register, one adder, and two seven segment displays. Next connect the outputs of the register and the adder to the two (different) seven segment displays.

Now it's time for the tricky part. Connect the output of the register to the inputs of the adder, so that if the register contains the value x, the output value of the adder will be (3*x + 1) mod 16. Hint: 3*x is (x<<1) + x.

Show your completed circuit to the lab instructor.

Building the circuit -- phase 2

Now let's put this circuit into a loop. Connect the outputs of the adder to the inputs of the register. Add a clock and a clear input to the register. Clock the circuit a few times. It should cycle through the hexadecimal numbers 0, 1, 4, d, 8, 9, C, 5, and back to 0. This is your first sequential circuit. Show it to the lab instructor.

Building the circuit -- phase 3

Now let's allow the "user" of the circuit to "input" an arbitrary starting point for our calculation. Add a selector and a hexadecimal keyboard to your circuit. Connect the outputs of the selector to your register; connect the outputs of the adder to one input set of the selector; and connect the outputs of the keyboard to the other selector input set. Finally, add a control input to the selector so that the selector can be loaded from either the adder or the keyboard. Show the completed circuit to the instructor.

Saving the circuit

FTP a copy of your completed circuit to the file ~/csci/255/lab7.lgf on the CSCI workstations. You'll extend this circuit in Homework 2. Go ahead and work on Homework 2 if you wish.

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